God Incognito: Chapter 4

Ashanti Khan
6 min readAug 20, 2018


John Wind Eagle has happily kept a low profile for centuries. To the few who know him, he is thought of as a competent practitioner of the mystic arts. Not exactly weak, but definitely not powerful. Power attracts attention and the wrong kind of attention can make life complicated.

For many centuries, a carefree, uncomplicated life has worked out well for John. That is, until an angel delivers an ominous warning to him. A warning that soon has him neck deep in feral vampires savaging the city, upper level daemons on a serial killing spree and the catholic church’s secret army waging war against the supernatural community.

So much for an uncomplicated life…

Art and story by Ashanti Khan

Chapter 4: Violation

The Serendipity was old school classic. It had been around since the second world war and like any true classic, it had never gone out of style. Its food was always five star. Its drinks, always top shelf and generous. The Serendipity was a survivor. As with any survivor, it had seen its share of notable things. All the stars of the day, all the politicians of the city, state, and country as well as all the criminals of note had graced the Serendipity with their presence. The Serendipity had always been a place where memories, good or bad, have been made. This evening would be no exception.

Qi closed her eyes and smiled with a smug satisfaction while Henry Wang languidly kissed his way down her neck. When her blouse interfered with his lips on her flesh, Henry ripped it open. He admired her lace bra for all of two seconds, then he ripped it open to expose her breasts. The sudden violent action against her clothing shocked Qi. For a moment, she almost felt back in control of her actions. Her first thought, as Henry’s tongue lingered on her right nipple, was that she couldn’t feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. She knew that must mean something, but the voice in her mind told her it didn’t matter.

“Yes, it doesn’t matter,” Qi agreed aloud, as a torrent of sensation washed through her from each touch of Henry’s lips. It was a sensation that soon multiplied in intensity when his fingers began to tease and manipulate the gentle folds of her sex. In mere seconds, Qi found herself absolutely on fire with need. A fire that her mind yearned for Henry to put out.

Even through the haziness that clouded her mind, Qi somehow still told herself this couldn’t be happening to her. She tried harder to concentrate. To use something, anything, even the annoying music that quietly played in the ladies room. She hoped it would serve as a means of distraction against whatever was clouding her mind. To her dismay, nothing she tried helped. Yet that didn’t stop her from struggling to break free of the spell she was under. For surely, she must be under some sort of spell. Perhaps it was the alcohol. Did Henry put something in her drink when she wasn’t looking or did she just want there to be an excuse? After all, she had never done anything like this before and she could barely believe that she was doing it now.

“I just met this man,” Qi thought to herself with ever increasing difficulty. Despite her pleasure, she wanted Henry to remove his finger from inside her. But with each expert manipulation, she began to forget why she wanted him to stop. It was only after a supreme effort of will that Qi remembered again. “I — I am not this person,” Qi told herself. “I do not have sex with strangers and certainly not in public facilities.”

“But you want to be that person. If only this once,” Henry replied, directly in her mind.

Startled by the voice in her head, Qi opened her eyes, but all she saw was Henry’s beautiful face in an extreme close up as he continued his kisses. A moment later, Qi’s thoughts slowly turned away from her wanton behavior and toward the pressure of Henry’s lips and the sensual movement of his tongue against hers. This man — great Buddha, I am so wet. I am, undone, Qi thought to herself between rushes of pleasure.

The ladies room of the Serendipity bar and restaurant seemed to be spinning for Qi as Henry undid his trousers and pulled down his briefs. Once unencumbered by his clothing, he wasted no time thrusting his erect cock into her. Qi gasped from the initial pain of her lost virginity. The act of his violation had snapped her back to the reality of her situation. She wanted to say something to Henry, but she couldn’t catch her breath. She wanted to plead with him to stop, but she couldn’t speak. She couldn’t even move.

“Ahh, your father would be pleased to know his daughter had remained chaste, even in this sewer that is the Western world,” Henry said as he drove himself relentlessly in and out of Qi’s body with a speed no man could possibly achieve.

Qi stood unmoving. Her every muscle taut from simultaneous pleasure and pain. She wanted to resist, to flee, but she was neither physically nor verbally able to make Henry stop. Whenever she thought she could offer any resistance, her mind would become clouded again with the thought of wanting — needing Henry inside her. In the end, it was all she could do to simply process what was happening. It was as if Henry had quite literally, become an extremely potent drug that was both in her mind and in her body.

After a time, fear, panic and adrenalin somehow overrode the endorphins that flooded through Qi’s mind. Albeit too late, it allowed her to somehow find her voice. “Please, stop. I — I don’t want this,” Qi said with a tremble in her voice.

Outside her body, her words sounded as meek as their volume had been low. Inside her mind, they were a fierce scream of rejection. So much so, that it made Henry pause from mild surprise. He had never before encountered anyone who could resist his influence. He found it interesting, but not enough to stop what he was doing.

“I think you do want this, Qi. I think you yearn to let go. Admit it to yourself,” said Henry’s voice in her mind. The words seemed to tell, persuade and command, all at the same time. They methodically destroyed the last vestige of reason Qi possessed.

Soon after, the thought of sex in a public washroom with a stranger became a distant memory. As did the pain of Henry’s penetration. Guilty pleasure had somehow replaced all of Qi’s thoughts as her arms slowly wrapped around Henry’s body in an unconscious embrace. Yet somewhere in the back of her mind, Qi still knew that she didn’t want this experience.

Henry smiled as he resumed thrusting into Qi. Each movement of his pelvis pressed her whole body against the wall that divided one toilet stall from the next. Henry’s incredible strength took her breath away.

There was no love in his actions, only desire. A desire to touch and to feel Qi’s beautiful, tight flesh deeply in his loins. A desire to completely dominate and conquer that flesh. There was also hunger with Henry’s desire. A hunger that ran deep in him. A hunger that he never asked for and could never quench. A hunger that had long since stopped his caring about the consequences of his actions. There was only never ending need and all too brief fulfillment.

Whatever Qi imagined for her first time. Whatever her objections to what was now happening, it no longer mattered. Because Qi recognized that feeling as it rapidly approached her from some distant corner of her being. Soon it would culminate in an explosion of her sexual energy. Something, until now, had only ever been brought about by her own doing.

When Qi was in control of herself, sometimes her release would manifest in gentle, rippling waves. Other times it would be a powerful cascade. But whichever way her climax chose to come upon her, Qi would sometimes find her eyes gently welling up with a tear. It was almost as if she was hard wired to do so. When Qi’s climax came upon her this time, she once again found herself tearing up. Only these tears were not caused by the joy of release. These tears were caused by the fangs that bit deeply into her neck and the slow, deliberate savoring of her blood, as it, along with her life, was drained away.

Chapter five of five coming next week.

“God Incognito” will be released later this year in both epub and book formats.



Ashanti Khan

I'm a graphic artist working in advertising and I'm a writer of speculative fiction. I'm also known as avisualartist on most of my social media,