How to Create a Github Repository

Aviva Mazurek
2 min readMay 4, 2020

First head over to your github repositories, and then click the “new” button:

On the next page you can give the repository a name:

And then initialize the repository with a README if you would like by checking this box:

A README is essentially just a place you can write an overview of your projects (I usually end up just uploading a pdf of a powerpoint presentation about the project, and then writing “See pdf presentation” in the README. You can then choose which language you want your gitignore to be in over here (in this case I chose python):

Then you can hit “create repository”. At this point you want to clone your repository to your local drive by hitting this button over here:

You then want to copy the link by clicking this button:

After you copy that link head over to your terminal and find the location in your drive you want the repository to be in. I would like this project to be in my desktop so I will first type in:

cd desktop

And then Ill type in git clone and then paste the link in right after

Congratulations! You’ve created a new repository and cloned it to your local drive.

