How To Update a Github Repository From Your Local Drive

Aviva Mazurek
2 min readApr 26, 2020

Quick summary:

  1. Open terminal and enter the folder of the github repository/project you want to update
  2. Type into terminal: “git add .” and then hit enter
  3. Type into terminal “git status” and then hit enter (this step is optional)
  4. Type into terminal “git commit -m ‘type any message here” and then hit enter
  5. Type into terminal “git push” and then hit enter

The first step is to open your computers terminal and move to the project’s folder you want to update. For this example, I will update my march_madness_predictions repository. When I first open my terminal, it looks like this:

My march madness project is located in my desktop, in the folder flatiron_projects and then in the folder march_madness_predictions. I’m going to enter this folder by typing into the command line:

cd desktop/flatiron_projects/march_madness_predictions

Now I’m in the folder. The next step is to type into the command line:

git add .

Then the next step is optional, but you can type in “git status” to see which documents will be updated:

In my case, I had updated a README on my github. The next step is to commit the change to the github and type in:

git commit -m ‘you can type any message you want here’

Finally, push the change up to the github by typing in:

git push

And thats it!!

