Delving into the Delivery Duel: A Comprehensive Comparison of Swiggy and Zomato

Avni Shah
5 min readMay 11, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of food delivery services, two titans stand at the forefront: Swiggy and Zomato. As consumers increasingly rely on these platforms for convenient access to their favorite eateries, the competition between the two has intensified. In this blog, we embark on a comprehensive exploration, dissecting every facet of their operations. From geographical coverage to restaurant partnerships, pricing strategies to user experience, join us as we delve deep into the delivery duel of Swiggy versus Zomato.

Swiggy, founded in 2014, has rapidly emerged as one of India’s leading food delivery platforms. With a mission to “deliver convenience,” Swiggy offers a wide selection of restaurants, cuisines, and dishes, all accessible through its user-friendly app. The company’s focus on technological innovation, efficient delivery logistics, and customer satisfaction has propelled its rapid expansion across hundreds of cities in India. On the other hand, Zomato, established in 2008, initially as a restaurant discovery platform, has evolved into a comprehensive food-tech giant. Alongside food delivery, Zomato offers restaurant listings, reviews, and ratings, catering to diverse culinary preferences. Its global presence spans multiple countries, reflecting its commitment to revolutionizing the dining experience worldwide.

Geographical Coverage: Swiggy boasts an impressive presence in over 581 cities, making it one of the largest food delivery platforms in India. However, Zomato takes the lead with its extensive reach, serving customers in a whopping 1051 cities across the country. The maps below visually depict the extensive geographical reach of Zomato (Red) and Swiggy (Orange), showcasing the cities where both platforms have expanded their services, providing valuable insights into their market penetration across India.

Swiggy/Zomato Market Penetration Across India

Restaurant Partnerships: Zomato’s extensive network comprises a staggering 390,000 active restaurant partners, catering to a diverse range of culinary preferences. In contrast, while Swiggy only has 128,000 restaurant partners.

Revenue: The revenue distribution comparison between Swiggy and Zomato highlights Zomato’s consistent dominance, consistently surpassing Swiggy’s revenue figures across the years. Swiggy’s revenue sees steady growth, while Zomato experiences fluctuations, yet maintains a higher revenue throughout the period. The line chart and grouped bar chart visually emphasize Zomato’s consistent lead over Swiggy in the competitive food delivery market, portraying their revenue dynamics over time.

Comparison of Swiggy & Zomato Revenue Over the Years

User Base: Swiggy boasts 16.5 million monthly average transacting users (MATU) as of May 2024, while Zomato surpasses it with approximately 18.8 million active users monthly. Despite Swiggy’s higher revenue, the disparity in monthly average transacting users (MATU) between Swiggy and Zomato suggests intriguing nuances in user behavior and spending patterns. While Zomato boasts a larger MATU, Swiggy may have a smaller but more engaged user base with repeat transactions even though Swiggy’s average order value stands only at Rs. 390 but Zomato’s stands at 420 indicating that Swiggy’s higher revenue definitely does not stem from bigger transactions. User demographics from the two’s website traffic indicates Swiggy’s traffic skewed towards males (65.52%) with Zomato mirroring similar trends. Both favor the 25–34 age group.

Delivery Time: The data reveals that Zomato boasts an average delivery time of 26 minutes, whereas Swiggy averages a slightly longer delivery time of 41 minutes. This variance suggests potential differences in operational efficiency and logistics strategies between the two food delivery platforms. The boxplot below visually compares the distribution of delivery times between Swiggy and Zomato, revealing potential differences in their respective delivery speed, with outliers excluded.

Boxplot of Delivery Times by Platform

Customer Satisfaction: Interestingly, Zomato’s tweets sentiment analysis reveals higher positive percentages for price-related sentiments, while Swiggy exhibits better customer support sentiment percentages. However, both platforms show similar sentiments for delivery time, delivery experience, and food quality. Zomato’s stronger positive sentiment regarding price indicatse competitive pricing strategies and perceived value among users. Conversely, Swiggy’s higher positive sentiment for customer support suggests a focus on enhancing user experience and satisfaction in resolving queries or issues. The sentiment analysis bar plot visually represents the distribution of positive and negative sentiments across different variables for both Swiggy and Zomato, highlighting nuanced differences in user opinions regarding various aspects of their services.

Zomato Gold v/s Swiggy One: In the realm of subscription services, Swiggy One and Zomato Gold offer contrasting perks. While the base prices are similar, Zomato Gold stands out with more frequent discounts and offers, including affordable introductory rates. Swiggy One provides a broader scope for free delivery, lower minimum order values, and additional benefits like free delivery on Instamart orders. Zomato’s coupon incentive for delayed deliveries adds a unique touch, yet Swiggy’s partnership with Dineout provides a more comprehensive dining experience, showcasing varied offers and discounts. Overall, while both platforms offer enticing subscription options, the flexibility and breadth of benefits provided by Swiggy One make it a compelling choice for users seeking value and convenience.

In the dynamic landscape of food delivery platforms, Swiggy and Zomato emerge as formidable competitors, each boasting unique strengths and catering to diverse consumer preferences. While Swiggy excels in user engagement and subscription perks like Swiggy One, Zomato’s expansive reach and innovative offerings, such as Zomato Gold, command attention. From delivery efficiency to subscription value and user experience, the comparison underscores the nuanced interplay of pricing strategies, service quality, and user engagement. As these platforms continue to evolve, their competition promises to drive innovation, enriching the dining experiences of millions across India.

