Art and Anarchy: How Solana and Digital Art Are Toppling Old World Economies

6 min readFeb 23, 2024


The art world and the enigmatic sphere of cryptocurrency have long been perceived as realms of exclusivity and complexity, accessible only to those within their guarded circles. Yet, beneath the surface of this seemingly impenetrable fortress, a revolution brews. This revolution, powered by the dynamism of digital art and the innovative potential of the Solana blockchain, challenges the status quo, urging a reevaluation of our ingrained perceptions of art, currency, and value. This essay ventures into the heart of this upheaval, inviting readers to reimagine the future — a future where art and crypto converge, democratizing access and transforming the economic landscape in ways previously unimagined.

The Democratization of Art in the Digital Age

its just a jpeg, I can copy paste it

Well well well…

The traditional art world, with its galleries and exclusive auctions, has long catered to a select few, leaving the masses on the outside looking in. However, the digital revolution is leveling the playing field. With the global NFT market’s staggering ascent to over $41 billion in transactions in 2023, a significant shift in the ownership and appreciation of art is evident. Art is no longer confined to the physical world but thrives in the digital, where access is not limited by geography or social status.

This shift is not just a change in medium but a transformation in the perception of what art can be. Digital art, evolving and interactive, reflects the fluidity and dynamism of the era it emerges from. Beeple’s $69 million NFT sale is not merely a transaction but a statement on the value of digital creativity and its place in the art canon.

Beeple’s $69 million NFT sale

Despite the widespread buzz surrounding CryptoPunks & Beeple, it is the Boogle collection that has recently commanded a larger spotlight in sales on the Solana blockchain, setting new benchmarks in the NFT marketplace.

Last BOOGLE sold for 3150 SOL (330k$)

Yep. It’s BOOGLE. and BOOGLEs. Not Boogle or b00gle godman. BTW I have a blackcard if you are an holder give me some insight !

Last Personal Experience

In an enlightening conversation with a venerable auction house owner in France, it became evident that the winds of change are not just blowing but sweeping through the corridors of the traditional art world.

Despite his years and the skepticism of his colleagues, this forward-thinking proprietor recognizes the burgeoning demand for blockchain-based certificates of authenticity — a testament to the immutable value that digital ledger technology brings to art preservation.

He shared an intriguing observation: more clients than ever are requesting art pieces with blockchain certificates, an undeniable nod to the technology’s growing significance in verifying and preserving the legacy of physical artworks. he resistance from his employees and peers in the art community, who deem the move towards blockchain as nonsensical, starkly contrasts with his vision of embracing innovation to address art’s temporal vulnerabilities

This auction house owner’s experience underscores a pivotal shift: the art world’s stalwarts, regardless of age or tradition, are beginning to see the blockchain not as a disruptor, but as a necessary evolution to safeguard the integrity and value of art for generations to come. He humorously noted that while the majority of his counterparts are still tethered to their safes and vaults, his forward-looking approach might soon render such physical constraints obsolete, thanks to blockchain’s promise of digital permanence and security

The skepticism he faces from his own circle mirrors a broader hesitancy in the art world to embrace change, yet his conviction in the value of blockchain certificates as a means to combat art degradation speaks volumes about the shifting paradigms of art conservation and ownership

Redefining Economic Interactions with Solana:

While digital art captivates the imagination, the underlying technology — blockchain, and specifically Solana with low fees— promises to revolutionize how we understand and engage with economic systems. Cryptocurrency, often viewed through a lens of skepticism due to its association with volatility and fraud, is on the cusp of redefining financial transactions.

Critics often highlight the use of crypto in illicit activities, ignoring the fact that traditional currency has long been the medium of choice for such transactions. Unlike cash, however, blockchain technology offers unparalleled transparency and traceability. Every transaction on the blockchain is recorded in a ledger that is immutable and open to scrutiny, making it a potent tool against fraud and corruption.

This is a fictional character that could steal your crypto. But thanks god, everything is readable and public.

Envisioning a Future Where Crypto is Ubiquitous:

Imagine a future where cryptocurrency is so seamlessly integrated into our daily lives that its use is as unconscious as swiping a credit card. This future is not as far-fetched as it might seem. With initiatives like Solana Mobile aiming to make crypto transactions as simple and intuitive as using a smartphone, we are stepping towards a world where digital currency is the norm, not the exception. Im betting a lot on Solana Mobile so it could become the touchstone for crypto enthusiasts and novices alike, promising to streamline the complexities of cryptocurrency transactions into an experience as common and straightforward as sending a text message. Its ambition lies not only in simplifying the user experience but in catapulting the adoption of Solana to unprecedented heights, making decentralized finance a palpable reality for the everyday user.

Don’t by it. So I bought two.

But for the moment it’s still a bad phone. baaaaaaaad phone. But with a seed vault in it.

This is where I would be if mass adoption happened due to my positions in Solana, Bonk, and mobile.

This integration will force you to rethink your perceptions of money, value, and transaction. The question is not if we will all use cryptocurrency but when and how seamlessly it will fit into our lives, mirroring the ubiquity of digital art in the cultural landscape.

Parallel with Keynesian Economic Theory:

To fully grasp the potential impact of this revolution, one can draw parallels with the transformative economic theories of John Maynard Keynes. Just as Keynes challenged the classical economic theories of his time, advocating for active government intervention to manage economic cycles, the advent of blockchain and cryptocurrencies challenges our traditional financial systems.

Johan Maynard

Keynes’s analysis led to a reevaluation of economic policies and practices; similarly, the blockchain revolution urges us to reconsider the very foundation of economic interaction and value exchange in a digital age.

A Call to Action: Embracing Change and Innovation:

The journey through digital art and the Solana blockchain is not merely an exploration of new technology but a call to action. It challenges us to dismantle our preconceived notions about art, value, and currency. This revolution is not just technological but philosophical, urging a radical rethinking of how we engage with the world around us.

The beckoning of a new era in digital art and the ascent of Solana is not just a whisper but a clarion call to action. It’s time to cast asid e the caution that has long shackled the potential of blockchain technology. If revolutionizing the status quo is our collective endgame, let it begin with the simple, yet profound act of guiding a friend through setting up a Solana wallet. The power to mint, to create, to own, and to trade should be as ubiquitous as our daily conversations. So go forth, mint with abandon, trade with conviction, and let’s collectively architect the fabric of this new digital renaissance. For in this act of creation and education, we aren’t just participants — we are the very catalysts of change. Goddamn it, let’s not just watch the future unfold; let’s shape it with our own hands. (And not with a blockchain with $40 fees when I want to transfer $4.

This is not a $40 blockchain fee. Please use it with caution.

