Do Macs still require antivirus protection in 2024?

AVP Suite
3 min readJun 14, 2024

I bet that at least once in your life you have come across a MAC user that boasts of how secure an iOS is. But, I’m afraid that’s not the case anymore. The growing number of Mac users has made them an easy target for spammers and cyber bullies.

Previously, Mac users frequently boasted about their laptops’ protection to viruses and spyware. The elegance and powerful performance were not the only things to be accounted for, but it also represented a sense of security that comes with owning a MAC. Fast forward to 2024, and the question is whether Macs still require antivirus protection.

The short answer is YES! But let’s quickly delve into the WHY of it.

Historically, MACs were less targeted by cybercriminals than Windows PCs, the obvious reason for this was that there were not enough MAC users back then. The market share dynamics was like: Windows dominated the personal computer market, making it a more appealing target for hackers. However, as the number of Apple users has grown over time, so has the interest of cunning scammers.

In recent years, there have been several high-profile instances of malware attacking macOS. One famous example is the Silver Sparrow malware, found in 2021. This sophisticated worm targeted MacOs with Apple’s M1 chip and spread to nearly 30,000 devices before being identified. This event underlined an important point: as Apple’s market dominance increases, so does the incentive for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in macOS.

Macbooks come with a built-in security feature, we know it as : Gatekeeper. It actually prohibits unknown and untrusted software from starting and Xprotect scans viruses. Furthermore, System Integrity Protection (SIP) protects from changing protected files and directories. These measures create a strong foundation for security, these are impressive features but not perfect.

One of the key reasons maOS still require antivirus protection is the ever-changing nature of threats. Cybercriminals are always evolving and with the growing market of Apple, their interest has also shifted. New types of malware, phishing scams, and ransomware circumvent existing security measures. Though macOS’s built-in defenses are effective, they are reactive in nature, protecting against known threats. In contrast, antivirus software frequently contains proactive capabilities like real-time scanning, heuristic analysis, and behavior tracking that can detect and block actual attacks in real-time.

Another factor to consider is the multi-device nature of modern digital life. Many Mac users have iPhones, iPads, and other devices. Malware and phishing campaigns frequently target various platforms. An email phishing scam could begin on your Mac and then spread to your other devices. Comprehensive antivirus like AVP Suite, offer cross-platform protection, ensuring that your devices are secure.

To summarize all the above points made: while Macs are generally more secure than other platforms, they are not immune to cyber attacks. The growing popularity of Apple products makes them an attractive target for cybercriminals. Built-in security features gives a decent starting point, but they are not a replacement for dedicated antivirus protection. By installing antivirus software, MAC users can protect their computers from the ever-evolving environment of digital dangers, ensuring that their personal information and data are protected. In 2024, securing your Mac with antivirus software is not simply a good idea; it is a necessity.



AVP Suite

AVP Suite: Your shield against digital threats. Comprehensive antivirus protection for all devices. Stay safe, stay secure with AVP Suite.