How to Build a Personalized PDF Chat Bot with Conversational Memory

10 min readApr 16, 2023

🧠 Memory to your Personal Chat Bot 🤖 — powered by ChatGPT API, LangChainAI and Databutton

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With the advancement of AI technologies, we are continually finding ways to utilize them in innovative ways. One such way is through the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3, which have the capability to understand natural language processing and generate responses to user inputs. The applications of these language models are vast, and one of the most promising aspects is the ability to build powerful chatbots. However, while these chatbots can provide real human-like interactions, they lack conversational memory, making them unable to remember past conversations.

“Conversation without context is like a book without a plot — it lacks direction, purpose, and depth.” — anonymous

In one of our previous blog post, we successfully built a memory-enabled chatbot powered with EntityMemorymodule from LangChain that is well aware of the conversations and context. You can find the live app here.




Community Lead, Databutton. Biophysics, PhD Candidate