No-Shows Prediction at Hospital Clinics

Avi Paz
5 min readNov 3, 2019

Following my last post on High Volume Prediction at Hospitals Clinics, as the second part of our MVP to optimized clinics resources utilization, here are the details of the No-Show Prediction Challenge and the Clinic Booking log Optimization Solution.

Business Pain Definition:

  1. No-Show Patients have been defined as “patients who neither kept nor cancelled scheduled appointments”.
  2. No-Show Patients rates have been shown to range from 11%–31% in general medicine clinics.
  3. No-show can lead to reduced quality of care, loss in productivity, financial losses and impaired patient outcomes.
  4. A clinic with 15,000 no-shows a year is looking at an estimated annual loss of one million dollars. And this is an optimistic scenario.
  5. With the average no-show rate of 62 appointments a day, the annual cost of missed appointments is 3 million USD per hospital.

Proposed Solution:
A Machine Learning model that predicts the probability of patients’ no-show. It will be based on various patterns of no-show cases and patient data such as:
Age, gender, previous admissions days, appointment age, appointment type, address, marital status, previous no-show rate, demographic data, date, etc.
In addition we will examine the factor-in of external datasets (such as weather and public transportations).

The ML model scoring results will be part of a smart MVP solution that will optimize clinics’ appointment lists.

We collected electronic medical record (EMR) data and appointment data which include patient, provider and clinical visit characteristics over a 6-year period from 12 various clinics:

  1. Patients Demographic Data (2013–2019)
  2. Visits (2013–2019)
  3. No Shows (2013–2019)
  4. External data source (2013–2019).

High Level Architecture:

A hybrid architecture that enables optimized appointment listing based on the probability which had been obtained from the real-time prediction machine learning model

A hybrid architecture for optimized clinic reservation list

The above diagram describes a hybrid architecture that integrates to the existing clinic reservation application. Each time a patient asks to reserve a new slot the predictive ML model will find the optimal slot based on the API score result.

Technology Stack:

Azure Machine Learning Studio: AutoML, Notebooks, Designer
Rapid Miner

NoShow Classification Model Steps:

  1. Data Preparation & Data Exploration.
  2. Feature Engineering.
  3. Imbalanced Data Techniques.
  4. Feature Importance & Feature Selection.
  5. Training & Cross Validation.
  6. Scoring & Model Deployment.

Data Preparation & Exploration:

In the first step we combined 3 datasets together.
Then we extracted some date fields and rearranged all columns as a single dataset.

Next step: exploring our data set and visualizing our aggregated data by column graph.

We can notice a normal growth of total appointments per month during the 2013–2019 timeline period

Marital status doesn’t seem to correlate to no-show rate.

Marital Status vs NoShow
NoShow Frequency per Day of Week and per Month
NoShow Rate By Hour per Day
NoShow Rate By Clinic by Year
Total visits by hour per day for Specific Clinic
Age Histogram
Group By Show(0) / No-Show(1)

Feature Engineering:

Following the exploration step we are ready to engineer our attributes and find a strongly relevant feature (one that holds information not found in any other feature) and relevant features, such as: patient previous no-show- total value.

Previous no-show per patient

Imbalanced Data:
Imbalanced data typically refers to a problem with classification problems where the classes are not represented equally”.

You can read more about tactics to combat imbalanced data here:

Anyhow, this is the average no-show rate prior the imbalanced data fix.

NoShow vs Show rate

The tactic that I chose was Random Under-Sampling for the majority class (‘show’ records).

Under-sampling our training data only

Training and Scoring:

Our Model Performance
Predictions vs True Results

Confusion Matrix & ROC:

Confusion Matrix

Our receiver operating characteristic curve that illustrate our binary classifier, here we can understand our true positive rate against the false positive rate:


Cross Validation:

Cross Validation results

Baseline Comparison (Azure AutoML):

Going forward:

Next post will be on deploying the model and integrating it with an existing appointment scheduling system and elaborate more regarding the entire booking optimizations process. Thanks.

Avi Paz,
Senior Cloud Solution Architect — Data & AI

