Gary Vee and I - a story of “recombinant conceptualization”

Russell Avre
4 min readMay 18, 2019

Hey guys, something interesting happened on Monday:

On the 8th of May 2019. I made a video on IG on expectations, I titled it “What if you do NOT do it for God”, I asked, what if we can just be human without expecting a reward. That video went unnoticed as usual and life went on… Lol

Fast forward to Monday and you can imagine my surprise when Gary Vee an influencer with over 5m followers just on IG alone said the same thing at a lower abstraction and the internet goes ape shit crazy, over 325k likes with no signs of abating ,over 6k comments and counting. So much so that one fan said:

“@garyvee literally just clicked, been following forever, this just clicked. THANK YOU”

I was like WTF?

I was blown and to be honest slightly jealous, I was jealous because I felt that all this bunch of people agrees with him, while I was completely ignored save for an old friend who was kind enough to say something in my comment section. When I noticed how it made me feel, I had to stop myself to better understand my feelings and after giving it some deep thoughts, a new theory started to emerge.

I call the theory the “Idea through-put”, I know the name is weird and not sexy, but will you let me finish my thoughts before you laugh your ass off?


Thank you,as I was saying before I was interrupted by you… lol the idea through-put can be summarized to mean:

Ideas don’t come “to” you, they come “through “you.

Leading me to ask,if it were possible for ideas to travel through space and time, or through a void and ether from point A to B?

Bullshit right?… I thought so too, which prompted me to dig a little deeper just to be sure that I wasn’t going crazy and loo and behold; there is a science to it and its rooted in science (pun intended)

Here is what I found:

Simultaneous discovery of fresh idea is very common especially in science, and it’s called multiple discovery (simultaneous invention) When Nobel laureates are announced annually — especially in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, and economics — increasingly, in the given field, rather than just a single laureate, there are two, or the maximally permissible three, who often have independently made the same discovery.

Commonly cited examples of multiple independent discovery are the 17th-century independent formulation of calculus by Isaac Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and others, described by A. Rupert Hall the 18th-century discovery of oxygen by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Joseph Priestley, Antoine Lavoisier and others and the theory of evolution of species, independently advanced in the 19th century by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace

What holds for discoveries, also goes for inventions.

Examples are the blast furnace (invented independently in China, Europe and Africa) the crossbow (invented independently in China, Greece, Africa, northern Canada, and the Baltic countries), and magnetism (discovered independently in Greece, China, and India).

If you want to delve deeper, then we would be then we would be talking about “recombinant conceptualization” a paradigm inspired by the recombinant-DNA. It predicates that a new concept arises through the crossing of pre-existing concepts and facts. This is what is meant when one says that a scientist or artist has been “influenced by” another — etymologically

The evolution of communication from telegraphy to mass media and now to the internet has also helped to catalyze and accelerate the process of recombinant conceptualization, leading to more of multiple independent discoveries.

I guess my take home from this occurrence would be this; Your ideas matter, and do not think for a moment that they are too small to influence the world as the Dalai Lama would say:

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.’

As at the time of this writing, I have (5k on my Facebook personal page, 133 on my Facebook fan page and less than 500 followers, friends on Instagram’s) and I intend to keep sharing my original thoughts with them, you never would know what would happen. It might be echoed by another influencer and momentous shifts in consciousness might occur, like that for the 325,000 fans above.

Another lesson for me from this experience is that, it doesn't matter who gets the credit , what matters is that the job gets done. And for me the“Job” has always been to provoke thoughts and elevate consciousness, and the way I see it a good job of that has been achieved with this message, thanks to Gary Vaynerchuk

Leave your thoughts in the comments section, if you know someone or have personally experienced this phenomenon.


