Arkaim, the city of the Sun !

7 min readOct 1, 2021


Arkaim is a unique place of power, the most famous archaeological monument of the Middle Bronze Age, shrouded in a haze of mystery, mystery. Streams of people from all over the world flock here: shamans and sorcerers, druids and Krishnas, psychics and just tourists.

The head of the “horse” as a symbol of wisdom in the steppes of Arkaim.

For some it is just a mysterious archaeological site, for others it is a receptacle of the gods, for others it is an outpost of aliens, an ancient space observatory. But whatever it was, one thing is for sure — after visiting it, people’s thinking and attitude to life radically changes.

Arkaim is 4,800 years old. XVIII century BC, the same age as the Egyptian pyramids, ancient Babylon and the Palace of Knossos in Crete, and much older than the legendary Troy. When studying the Arkaim plan, its similarity to the famous Stonehenge monument in the UK was discovered. Stonehenge and Arkaim are located at the same latitude, both in the center of a bowl-shaped valley, only the distance between them is four thousand kilometers. The ancient architect planned Arkaim as a complex complex in the form of an exact copy of the Universe in miniature. Arkaim has a powerful energy, reveals psychic abilities, establishes a connection with the Higher Mind, harmonizes.

There are ten hills (“mountains”) in the vicinity, which it is desirable to visit in a certain order. The most famous and popular mountain is “sHamanka” (Shamanikha, Fiery, Snake, Bald) with its three ledges saturated with Earth energy flows. This is an ancient paleovolcano. At the top of the mountain there is a stone spiral of thirteen circles, symbolizing the passage of a chain of incarnations.

The mountain grants the fulfillment of the most intimate desires, if you walk through these circles counterclockwise, making the main wish. Other revered and visited elevations (places of exit of power) in Arkaim and its surroundings: Mount “Forgiveness”, ledge “Pegasus”, mountain “Love”, valley of “Stones” (ancestors), mountain “Keepers of the seven seals” (mountain “Visions”), mountain “Arkaim”, mountain “Reason”, mountain “Collapsible”, mountain “Abundance”, mountain “Check” (mountain “Power”).

Thousands of people from all over the world gather in Arkaim on the day of the summer solstice, and then a global action and madness begins with rituals, rituals and ceremonies, it must be seen! Here it is customary to walk along the “spiral of life”, which is located on the top of the sHamanka mountain, to purify negative karma and fulfill desires.

The spiral is a magical symbol reflecting the idea of traveling to the center of the Earth, where enlightenment, wisdom and intuition will be found by a person. It represents any path, being an expression of a powerful charge of energy, that is, it is a symbol of compressed energy. Among other things, it is also a symbol of development and eternal change, because the development of everything in the world is carried out on the principle of a spiral. Each turn is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. In order to get out of the center, you need to go counterclockwise — to develop spiritually. There are unspoken rules for the passage of the spiral, and in order to get the best out of what we do, we need to follow them.

Do not forget to put a stone at the very beginning of the path (spiral), and it will be your gift to this sacred place. Entering the spiral, mentally ask the Higher Powers and the Souls of your ancestors to help you clear your thoughts of negativity. It is necessary to go in a spiral slowly, relaxed, sensitively listening and listening to every image and sensation in your body (preferably with your eyes closed), having previously spread your arms out to the sides. So you absorb the positive energy of this place and recharge.

When you reach the center of the spiral, stop, turn your face towards the Sun, turn your palms towards it, as if greeting, and mentally ask the Higher Powers to fulfill your desire. Palms are like mirrors from which the signal rays flow. By strengthening them with the energy of the Sun, they will convey your request to those to whom it is addressed.

Stand there for a while, inhaling fresh air, and then slowly lower your hands. Do not forget to leave in the center of the spiral your offering to the Spirits of this area (for example, a coin).

On the way back, coming out of the spiral, ask your ancestors for protection and help. At the very exit of the spiral, as a sign of respect for the sacred place, bow down. The spiral is a symbol of great creative power. It is a symbol of time, cyclical rhythms, changing seasons, birth and death, phases of “aging” and “growth” of the Moon. Metaphysically, it symbolizes the realities of existence, the various modalities of Being, the wandering of the Soul and its final return to the center. The spiral is a typical symbol of bidirectional action. The law of spiral motion is the most ancient idea of the Universe.

In this place, for the first time, I felt the rising currents of pure energy from the very mouth of an extinct volcano. Moreover, not only the energy itself, but also its flow, shape and quality differed on different hills (mountains). In one place it was a continuous upward flow, in another it swirled in a vortex and went down. On the third piece of land, it seemed to pulsate, in thin fragmentary lines, like rain, only in the opposite direction (from the ground to the sky).

The waters of the Karaganka River, located in the zone of the tectonic fracture of the earth’s crust, have an amazing property of relieving fatigue, cleansing from negativity and rejuvenation, and the purity of the water is confirmed by numerous water lilies, white lilies and amphibians (newts). In addition to the unusual “mountains” and a wonderful river, there is a Rook hill (an abnormally fertile place, which affects the birds). And also a “drunken forest” consisting of twisted trees, on which there are even so-called “burns” of unknown origin. UFOs and various kinds of anomalies happen to be observed over the forest, as well as a strange glow at night.

On the territory of the reserve there are: museum of “Nature and Man”; tourist camp; burial mound “Temir”; burial structures of the Middle Ages; alley of menhirs; stone Age dwelling; windmill; miner’s house; Cossack manor, and around the endless steppe. On the way to the ancient city, wild cannabis grows around, useless and not in demand, it’s good here without it…

This is a natural outlet of power and the ancestral home of the Aryan civilization, located in the place of a natural tectonic fracture of the earth’s crust, in the mouth of an extinct volcano millions of years ago. Many recognize it as the strongest place of power, the city of the Sun, for the incredibly strong energy flows (pillars) passing through it. Having been in such a place, a person acquires powerful resources for spiritual growth, creative and intellectual development. The power of Arkaim has the ability to reveal ancestral memory and is able to awaken real creativity. This place was chosen by ancient people for life not by chance.

The central square schematically depicted a mandala — a square inscribed in a circle. In ancient cosmogonic texts, the circle symbolizes the universe, and the square symbolizes the Earth, our material world. The ancient wise man, who perfectly knows the structure of the Cosmos, saw how harmoniously and naturally it is arranged, and therefore, during the construction of the city, he seemed to recreate the Universe in miniature. The engineering genius of the ancient builders is also admired. Arkaim was built according to a pre-designed plan, as a single complex complex, and oriented to astronomical objects with the greatest accuracy! The pattern formed by the four entrances in the outer wall is a regular “swastika”, i.e., directed towards the Sun.

Arkaim is a sophisticated and multifaceted structure, it is a near-horizon observatory of the ancient Aryans, as evidenced by the Avesta and the Rig Veda (sacred ancient scriptures). The unique “food processor” of the ancient Aryans — an oven, a well and a storage room, still causes delight among modern engineers, with its ingenious simplicity and versatility.

Zoroastrianism is still secretly flourishing and widely propagandized in it, as the beautiful, life-affirming teaching of the prophet Zarathustra, introduced by the same Aryan race. Arkaim is the most developed and perfect part of the general “Country of Cities”, the area where many more historical, archaeological sites (settlements) have been discovered, which formed an entire state. That very ancient Aryan expanse, “Arianam-vajja”, “Ariavarta” and perhaps this place is sama — Aratta, from where the ancestors of the legendary Sumerians came.

The third millennium is ahead, which will reveal to us the ancient Hyperborea, Atlantis and Lemuria, which will bring us closer to understanding many mysteries of antiquity, and therefore, will bring us closer to understanding ourselves. For it is said, “Man, know thyself, and thou shalt know the world and the Gods.”

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Hypnologist, ascetic, philosopher. I travel the world, practice hypnosis and create places of power. The author of the work: “The Living Book of the shaman”.