5 Days of No Food Only Water.

Abhi Vyas
2 min readApr 14, 2018


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

What is something that everyone does but only a very select few do for a prolonged period of time? — water fasting.

I’m not one for diets and fads but I’ve recently began to improve my lifestyle by becoming healthier. In an attempt to reset my digestive system, immune health, and metabolic rate I’ve started a water fast.

For the past 3 days I’ve only had water, no food at all.

The first 24 hours were the easiest, day 2 was relatively easy until the night time when the hunger pangs got pretty intense, day 3 has had it’s ups and downs so far with a few hunger pangs.

Why a 7 day water fast?

“You have to fully deplete your energy reserves (in the form of glycogen), and it takes your body at least 24 hours, and probably 48 hours or more, to do this.” Once it burns through the glycogen energy reserves it will start burning fat for it’s primary source of fuel. Fat is turned into ketones. When this happens you are in ketosis. You will enter ketosis on day 3.

Something interesting that happened on day 3 is I’ve been more present. When I ran into someone I know today he said I seemed a lot more zen. My voice was much more calmer and I just came off more present.

This was an interesting revelation, since I’ve stopped eating my energy levels have been very stagnant. Which is a good thing, I’m not getting too excited nor am I getting too upset about something. I’m much more even-keeled in my reactions to stimuli.

The hardest part of this fast has been saying no to food when others ask. I’ve realized how social the process of eating actually is. Avoiding situations where I’m pressured to eat food, has been a major mental drain.

This fast is also a metaphor for doing things that others think is crazy. Almost every time I’ve told someone I’m on a no-food diet, they think I’m crazy. Food is so ingrained in our lives that it’s difficult for people to imagine life without it. This is true for ideas, projects, and businesses as well. There are secrets all around us, we’re just unable to see them because of our ingrained beliefs.

