How to get unique data for our WordPress website or blogger.

Tech behaviours
1 min readFeb 15, 2023


Use the keyword DISTINCT after SELECT to specify that only unique rows should be returned by the operation. Use DISTINCT to retrieve singular rows from one or more columns. The columns must be listed after the DISTINCT keywords unique data.

For reporting or filtering repeated lines in a file under UNIX, use the uniq tool. It can match on particular fields, ignore particular characters, show a total of occurrences, show only repeated lines, and eliminate duplicates.

To only return unique (different) data, use the From DISTINCT command. A column in a table frequently has many attribute values, thus there are instances when you just want to list the unique values.

While Blogger is a nice free tool for getting started with blogging, many newbies quickly become aware of its limitations and wish to convert to WordPress in order to have access to more robust features.

We will demonstrate how to correctly transition from Blogger to WordPress in this article without sacrificing your Google rankings.




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