Everything you need to know about the month of Ramadan

3 min readApr 25, 2020

Ramadan, the fasting month is a holy month for Muslims. Fasting this month is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an event that all the Muslim countries celebrate year after year and look forward to it.

It is usually accompanied by Family gatherings, a lot of goodwill actions, and getting closer to God. The month encourages all kinds of good acts, charity, and generosity. It is a time where Muslims can use to get rid of the bad habits that were gained during the previous year and start fresh after Ramadan.

Not even water !!

That is how my German colleague reacted when he knew that Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset without eating or drinking anything. So that is why I am writing below some facts about this holy month and its traditions.

1- It is not fixed, it moves by nearly two weeks every year

Islamic calendar follows the Lunar year cycle, which means all 12 months of the Islamic calendar rotate over the different seasons. The Lunar year has 354 days, that means Ramadan comes earlier 2 weeks every year. For 2020, it started on the 24th of April. Next year it should be around 12 of April (+/- 2 days).

2- No food?




Product Owner at Mercedes-Benz. Egyptian living in Germany. Found my passion in building products and enabling people.