Will ‘Mojo’ Programming Language be going to replace ‘Python’

M Awais Nazir
4 min readApr 13, 2024


You will find answers to this question on your own after reading this blog. In this Blog, Let’s discuss Mojo, a new Programming language.

Introduction to Mojo

At this point, I’ll assume that readers have a very basic knowledge of Programming specifically ‘Python’.

Mojo is designed to solve a variety of AI development challenges that no other language can, because Mojo is the first programming language built from the ground up with MLIR (a compiler infrastructure that’s ideal for heterogeneous hardware, from CPUs and GPUs to various AI ASICs). We also designed Mojo as a superset of Python because we love Python and its community, but we couldn’t realistically enhance Python to do everything we wanted.

Mojo is designed as a superset of Python. So if you know Python, then a lot of Mojo code will look familiar. However, Mojo is — first and foremost — designed for high-performance systems programming, with features like strong type checking, memory safety, next-generation compiler technologies, and more. As such, Mojo also has a lot in common with languages like C++ and Rust.

Mojo’s Syntax

we will print “Hello World!” to understand the basic syntax of Mojo.
As already discussed, Mojo is a superset of Python. so the syntax is almost going to same.

$ mojo
Welcome to Mojo! 🔥
Expressions are delimited by a blank line.
Type `:quit` to exit the REPL and `:mojo help repl` for further assistance.
1> print("Hello, world!")
Hello, world!

Function Declaration in Mojo

Mojo functions can be declared with either fn or def.

def greet(name):
return "Hello, " + name + "!"
fn greet2(name: String) -> String:
return "Hello, " + name + "!"

Both of these have the same output.

for more syntax and updated Syntax, you can always refer to official documentation.
Read Documentation.

Performance Comparison

Mojo developers claim significant performance improvements over Python in specific scenarios.

Below is a picture taken from official Documentation.

Performance Comparison of Mojo with other languages

More Features of Mojo


Write Everything in one Language:

Write Python or scale down to the metal. Program the multitude of low-level AI hardware. No C++ or CUDA is required.


Unlock Python Performance:

Utilize the full power of the hardware, including multiple cores, vector units, and exotic accelerator units, with the world’s most advanced compiler and heterogenous runtime. Achieve performance on par with C++ and CUDA without the complexity.


Access the Entire Python Ecosystem:

Experience true interoperability with the Python ecosystem. Seamlessly intermix arbitrary libraries like NumPy and Matplotlib and your custom code with Mojo.

Here’s an example of MAKE_PLOT.🔥

def make_plot(m: Matrix):
plt = Python.import_module("matplotlib.pyplot")
fig = plt.figure(1, [10, 10 * yn // xn], 64)
ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], False, 1)


Mojo Community

Mojo is yet Available for Linux and Mac OS and hope soo will be available for windows users early.

Mojo was first appeared in August 2023. and its preview version was released on 28 March 2024, 13 days ago from this blog post. Till now Mojo has developed a great community and It is still growing due to Mojo’s recent release.




Over 300 open-source projects created by the community



Lightbug HTTP

for more Community Projects: Click here

In conclusion, by exploring Mojo’s capabilities, you’ll be well-equipped to decide how it complements Python in your data science journey. Remember, both languages offer unique strengths — Python’s vast ecosystem for established projects, and Mojo’s potential speed for cutting-edge research. While Mojo is still under development, this blog has equipped you to make an informed decision about which tool is best suited for your needs.

Thank you for reading until the end. Before you go:

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About Me

Hi everyone! I’m Awais Nazir, and this is my first blog post. I’m a Software Engineering Student interested in Data Science. I’m always learning and exploring new things in the data science world, and I’m excited to share my findings with you.

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