Silver Bullets and the Full Moon — Werewolves

Awais Shah
3 min readJan 10, 2023


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The full moon beckons, and those cursed with a tainted bloodline know that they cannot stop the inevitable. They await the moment when the clouds will shelter them no more from the merciless full moon. Having put as much distance between them and the civilization, the cursed ones finally embrace the burning touch of the moon…right until one of them realizes that he didn’t move far enough from his village. The scent of the blood overwhelms him…and then…

What you read is the typical scenario of any werewolf fiction. We revel in the tales of these mythical beasts, cursed to transform at the first hint of the moonlight. Werewolves have fascinated us for quite some time. They are the legends, contributing a significant portion to our movies, novels and screenplays.

The Old Tales

The werewolf fiction culture has continued to evolve over time. However, did you know that there are many things that we got wrong from the werewolves? While it cannot be considered wrong because they are fictional beings, a few tales and stories have deviated far from the original concepts. Amidst some of the old tales surrounding the legends of the werewolves, many were told to be wary of witchcraft and magic.

According to the old folk, the werewolves were actually witches who could transform into bestial forms using magic. That transformation was done to gain more strength, knowledge and power. It is a tragedy that such beliefs led to more active witch hunts. Considering the primitive beliefs of the dark ages, such ideas would inspire fear and dread among the farmers and landlords and landladies.

In another legend, werewolves are cursed people who have been punished by the gods to assume the form of a vicious beasts. Frankly, they were better off as hyenas since I find wolves very noble.

However, that legend assumes the belief that the werewolf blood is not a gift but rather a curse, burdening its afflicted victim with blood lust.

Modern Tales Don’t Do Justice

From ravaging witches or cursed beings to romantic partners, we have come a long way. Werewolves are no longer the creatures of nightmares. However, they are most definitely the ideal husky male or female partners who would fill your dreams with many fantasies.

Once, the concept of werewolves was akin to that of demons. Now, they are tortured, hot people whom we cannot wait to shower our love upon. (I do find vampire lasses more attractive).

In some cases, the werewolves have been shown as beasts. However, they have been able to control their transformation, and the concept of the full moon plays no part in their daily lives. It is interesting to see how this particular myth has evolved and will continue to evolve with time.

One of the main things that makes them highly vulnerable is that werewolves aren’t immortal. They are cursed humans, and they can still die a mortal death, which brings us closer to our next creature, the vampires! I will soon be covering an interesting post on that. Stay tuned for more!



Awais Shah

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