The Three Instinctual Variants Of Enneagram Type 7

Awaken Spirituality
7 min readMay 9, 2024


The three Enneagram 7 subtypes or instinctual variants are Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual (also called One-to-One). Each variant manifests differently in Type 7 individuals, shaping their behaviors and relationships. If you’ve got any questions or comments, let me know in the comment section below!

Self-Preservation Type 7 (7sp)

Self-Preservation Type 7s prioritize their personal comfort, well-being, and security. They focus on acquiring resources and creating a stable environment. These Type 7s may appear more cautious and practical than other 7s, but they still possess the curiosity and enthusiasm characteristic of their type. They manage anxiety by keeping themselves busy and planning enjoyable activities. Their activities often serve to guarantee that their lifestyle remains stable and secure, avoiding the material deprivation they fear.

Characteristics of Self-Preservation Type Seven

Focus on Material Security. Self-Preservation Sevens place a strong emphasis on ensuring that they have enough resources to feel secure and comfortable. This includes financial security, ample supplies, and a pleasant living environment. They are proactive about avoiding situations where resources might become scarce.

Planning for Enjoyment: Unlike other Sevens who might seek pleasure more spontaneously, Self-Preservation Sevens often plan their fun and ensure that it does not come at the cost of their security. They might organize their leisure activities well in advance and ensure that they are enjoyable and beneficial for their overall well-being.

Hedonism Mixed with Caution: This subtype enjoys the finer things in life and wants to experience pleasure and satisfaction, but not at the expense of their safety and comfort. They are more likely to engage in pleasures that are planned and considered safe, rather than impulsive or risky endeavors.

Anxiety About Deprivation: Self-Preservation Sevens have an underlying anxiety about being deprived of necessities and pleasures. They combat this fear by ensuring they have ample access to what they enjoy and by maintaining control over their environment and resources.

Challenges Faced by Self-Preservation Type Seven

Overindulgence: In their effort to ensure they never feel deprived, Self-Preservation Sevens can sometimes overindulge in food, entertainment, or other comforts. This might lead to issues like financial irresponsibility or health problems.

Difficulty Facing Discomfort. This subtype might avoid situations with a risk of discomfort or pain, which can limit their experiences and growth. They might miss out on important life lessons that come from facing and overcoming challenges.

Balancing Pleasure and Responsibility. Self-Preservation Sevens can struggle to balance their desire for immediate pleasure with their responsibilities, particularly if these duties seem to threaten their personal comfort or security.

Growth Path for Self-Preservation Type Seven

For personal growth, Self-Preservation Sevens benefit from embracing experiences that challenge their need for security and from learning to manage their resources more wisely.

Embracing Minimalism: Learning to find satisfaction in less and exploring minimalism can help Self-Preservation Sevens reduce their fear of deprivation and their tendency towards overindulgence.

Incremental Risk-Taking: Gradually exposing themselves to controlled risks can help this subtype grow more comfortable with uncertainty and develop resilience. This might involve taking on new challenges that push their boundaries but in a measured and thoughtful way.

Mindfulness and Presence: Practices like mindfulness can help Self-Preservation Sevens stay present and enjoy the moment without constantly planning the next pleasure or escape. This can lead to a deeper appreciation for life as it is, rather than as they feel it should be.

Financial and Resource Management: Developing skills in financial planning and resource management can reassure Self-Preservation Sevens that they can maintain their security without resorting to excessive precautionary measures.

Social Type 7 (7so)

The Social variant of Enneagram Type Seven center themselves around group activities and social belonging. This subtype still embodies the typical Seven’s desire for excitement and variety but channels much of this energy into social engagement and the pursuit of shared experiences.

Related reading — Michael Scott Enneagram 7so

Characteristics of Social Type Seven

Community and Network Orientation. Social Sevens thrive in active and dynamic social environments. They often initiate group activities, because they want to involve others in their adventures. This subtype finds joy in creating and maintaining a wide network of contacts. They are often seen as a hub in their social circles, connecting different people and fostering community spirit.

Enthusiasm for Shared Experiences. Unlike their more individually focused counterparts, Social Sevens are particularly enthusiastic about experiences that can be shared with others. They are motivated by the collective joy and energy of groups. This for them amplifies the pleasure of any activity, whether it’s social gatherings, group travels, or community projects.

Advocacy and Altruism: Social Sevens often use their influence and social energy for altruistic purposes. They are attracted to causes and movements that allow them to contribute to the greater good. This subtype is more likely than others to channel their boundless energy into social causes, advocacy, or humanitarian efforts. They see these as extensions of their own ideals for a better, more exciting world.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). This variant of Seven has a heightened fear of missing out on rewarding social interactions and experiences. They want to be where the action is and can become anxious if they feel excluded from important social events or gatherings. This fear drives them to stay continuously plugged into their social networks.

Challenges Faced by Social Type Seven

Overcommitment: Social Sevens can overextend themselves by trying to participate in too many activities or maintain too many social connections. This can lead to exhaustion and a lack of depth in relationships, as they may not allocate enough time to nurture each relationship individually.

Surface-Level Engagement: Due to their desire to experience everything, Social Sevens may struggle with engaging deeply in any single interaction. They might skim the surface of many relationships and activities without fully committing to any, leaving them feeling unfulfilled or disconnected despite a busy social life.

Distraction and Scattered Energy: Their enthusiasm for shared experiences and social causes can sometimes lead to energy scattering. Social Sevens may jump from one interest or group to another, driven by novelty and excitement. But then, they can fail to follow through on deeper commitments.

Growth Path for Social Type Seven

For personal growth, Social Sevens benefit from focusing on deepening their relationships and choosing their commitments more judiciously.

Quality Over Quantity: Learning to prioritize quality interactions over the quantity can help Social Sevens build more meaningful connections and reduce the feeling of being spread too thin.

Embracing Depth: Learning to engage more deeply with people and projects can be really rewarding for Social Sevens. This might involve slowing down, being more present in interactions, and allowing themselves to explore the emotional depths of relationships.

Mindfulness and Focus: Practices such as mindfulness can help Social Sevens center their energies and maintain focus on their current engagements. This can reduce the impulse to constantly seek out new things to stimulate them.

Sustained Commitment. Encouraging themselves to stay committed to social causes and relationships even after the initial excitement has faded can lead to greater personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

Sexual (One-to-One) Type 7 (7sx)

The Sexual (One-to-One) subtype of Enneagram Type Seven focuses intensely on one-to-one connections and infusing them with excitement, adventure, and depth. This subtype seeks to make personal relationships incredibly stimulating and fulfilling. They use their charm and enthusiasm to attract and engage others on a deeply personal level.

Characteristics of Sexual Type Seven

Intensity in Personal Relationships. One-to-one Sevens crave deep and intense connections in their one-to-one relationships. They are often charming and charismatic, using these traits to draw others in. Their relationship approach is enthusiastic and passionate. They aim to explore and experience as much as possible with their partners or close friends.

Idealization of Partners. This subtype tends to idealize their partners or close relationships. They often envision a grand adventure or deep emotional journey together. They are attracted to people who they believe can match their energy and are willing to explore the breadth of experiences life offers.

Fear of Boredom. Sexual Sevens have a profound fear of being bored or trapped in monotony, especially within relationships. They constantly seek new experiences and stimuli to keep their emotional and intellectual engagement levels high. This fear drives them to continually look for new ideas, activities, and even relationships that can satiate their need for novelty.

Escapism Through Relationships. Unlike other subtypes that might seek escape through physical activities or social engagements, Sexual Sevens often use their intimate relationships as a platform for escapism. They might push the relationship towards non-stop adventure or insist on a dynamic that is always evolving and changing, sometimes to the point of straining the relationship.

Challenges Faced by Sexual Type Seven

Unrealistic Expectations: Sexual Sevens can set very high and sometimes unrealistic expectations for their relationships. They might expect constant excitement and newness, which can be exhausting or unachievable for their partners.

Avoidance of Emotional Depth. While Sexual Sevens are interested in intense relationships, they might avoid confronting deeper emotional issues that require a steady and prolonged focus. Their preference for excitement can lead them to skim over problems or conflicts that need resolution.

Instability in Relationships: Sexual Sevens’ continual pursuit of new experiences can lead to instability in their personal relationships. They might find it difficult to maintain long-term relationships unless they can find a balance between their need for novelty and the natural rhythms of a deeper, stable partnership.

Growth Path for Sexual Type Seven

For personal growth, Sexual Sevens benefit from learning to appreciate the moment and deepen their emotional connections without needing constant stimulation.

Valuing Stability. Learning to value and embrace stability in relationships can be a significant growth step for Sexual Sevens. This includes recognizing the depth and richness of ongoing commitments and finding joy in consistency as well as novelty.

Emotional Presence. Developing a greater capacity for emotional presence and attentiveness can help Sexual Sevens build stronger and more meaningful relationships. Practices like mindfulness and meditation can aid in this development by helping them to stay grounded in the present moment.

Managing Expectations. Sexual Sevens need to manage their expectations of relationships realistically. Understanding that true intimacy involves ups and downs can help them maintain more fulfilling and less transient connections.



Awaken Spirituality

Self-discovery is a lifelong journey and the Enneagram is a powerful tool for that journey.