You Are Not Your Thoughts | Self vs The Mind

An in-depth look at who we truly are.

Kiara Hana
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readJan 9, 2024


How would you feel if someone told you you weren’t yourself? Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Identity is the key factor in the Law of Assumption that gives us control over our earthly experience, but it's a concept that directly clashes with our sense of being. We view ourselves as our names, ages, pasts, and zodiac signs. But who we truly are is the awareness behind these attributes. The consciousness that’s detached from it all. When we’re able to distinguish between our thoughts and ourtrue identity, we’ll be able to fully understand our reality and use tools such as the Law of Assumption more effectively.

Your Mind Has Never Been You

The purpose of the mind has always been to process earthly information, and that’s it. Our thoughts are driven by fear, lack, survival, sexuality, personality, competition, and jealousy. They are limited by nature, and are heavily resistant to things like change or creating something outside of the bounds of the mind’s understanding.

We mistakingly identify as the owner of these thoughts, causing us to view ourselves as limited beings who are merely victims of an environment we can’t control, however we’re completely separate.

If you’ve ever sat somewhere in silence or vibed to music alone in your room, you may have noticed how thoughts can be active even when we’re not paying attention to them. How is that so? Because we are not our thoughts, we are consciousness itself.

Spiritual teacher Mooji perfectly illustrates the difference between consciousness and thoughts in this passage.

“The one who is suffering the mind storm, the mistake has been ‘Oh it’s me, please help me!’ but this ‘me’ and the mind storm have a relationship. Without the ‘me’ who’s reporting about this storm, there is no storm to worry about. Nobody will know if there’s a strong wind if there’s nothing for it to push against. The wind is blowing, how do you know? You can see the effect of the wind because the trees are bending. This bending one is the person. So include the person who is suffering from the mind storm, as part of the storm. The witnessing of this is quite impartial. It’s the space which was there before the storm, is there during the storm, and is there after the storm is gone. This space, I’m calling it Yourself.”

We Are Freedom

In other words, we are the silence behind our thoughts and emotions. The peace of pure consciousness. I know I am here, I know I exist, I am aware, I feel my energy. This is drastically different from the way we usually perceive ourselves, because consciousness doesn’t have brown hair or a favorite color or a movie it hates — it has no shape at all. It is limitless energy, untethered to anything, free to create as it pleases. It is freedom unpersonified.

As such, the identity of being a person limited by time, space, and external factors is an illusion. We were here before the identity we currently occupy, and will remain after this identity is long gone. We have always been the unlimited, experiencing the limited. The permanent, experiencing the temporary.

Earth Is A Playground

The role of consciousness is to create and observe. Life is supposed to be a playground. We wanted this experience — to immerse ourselves in a story where we got to experience lack, limitations, and time. Our true selves know nothing of it because in consciousness everything is always available at all times. Have you ever had so much of something that you wanted a little less of it? Just a taste of the opposite, for fun? That’s us.

Earth is our taste of limitation, restriction, and the temporary. We’ve had a good time while we’ve been here, pretending to be our limited identities, but if you felt compelled to continue reading this article you’re already on the path to waking back up to who you truly are. This is nothing drastic, of course, but it is the simple realization that you’re the one in control of what’s happening here. You’re in control of your adventure.

You’re remembering that you aren’t the victim of this story — you’re the one that created it in the first place. And by using the tools engrained in the Universe such as the Law of Assumption, Law of Oneness, Law of Attraction, Law of Vibration, and so much more — you’re able to once again grasp your permanence and play the game consciously.

Take Control Of The Game

You’re able to take control by manifesting from consciousness (permanence) instead of personhood (temporary). Manifesting from consciousness is the same as a multi-billionaire getting a job. It’s not from need or lack, it’s for fun. What would you like to experience? What would be a fun storyline to play out? Do you want a new job? Create it. Want more income? Create it. Want to play out a romantic love story? Create it. Any assumptions you hold for your experience is what you will experience, so if there’s something you’d like — gear your assumptions toward it. Doing so is directing your universal energy toward the outcome of it existing in this reality.

And when earthly thoughts start telling you x is impossible, or arise with questions to make you doubt your true power, remember that they aren’t you in the first place. They have no bearing on your consciousness, if you don’t want them to. Mooji gives a simple yet powerful exercise to remind yourself of this fact as often as you need:

When we need a break, we can take one via meditation or any practice that allows us to sit in silence and focus. This allows us to access our true state — the silence behind the noise of personhood — and connect with the universal knowledge available when we need it.

Create, have fun, immerse yourself in the game, but always remember who you are.

“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.”

Neville Goddard

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With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
New Earth Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.