Let’s Create a 3 tier Architecture

April Ward
5 min readMay 10, 2022


3 Tier Architecture is used in the client-server to display the front-end(presentation), back-end (Business), and the Database (Storage). This is created in Amazon AWS.

Step One: Create your VPC

Login to AWS console, type in VPC at the top search bar and Create VPC

Select VPC only as we will create the subnets in the next step. Give your VPC a name and your IPv4 CIDR should be

Click Create VPC

Step 2: Create Subnets

Select the VPC you just created in the previous step.

I will be creating a total of 6 subnets. 2 Public and 4 private. Make sure you give them a distinct name in order to recognize them. After creating all 6 hit Create subnet

Step 3: Create an Internet Gateway

Name it and hit Create internet gateway

See popup for Attach to VPC, select your VPC, and attach

Next comes the fun part!!! Routing Tables!!!

Of course, we will be creating 3 different route tables for each Tier so let’s get started!!!

Name your Route tables and Create

As you can see I have 1 public and 2 private route tables.

For your private tables, you must create a NAT gateway first

After creating this NAT gateway return to the routing table and edit the route for your 2 private route tables.

Step 4: EC2 instances for Presentation Tier

From the EC2 instance page scroll to the bottom and hit Create Launch template

  • Name your template
  • Check provide auto-scaling guidance
  • Choose AMI
  • For instance type choose t2.micro
  • Create new security group
  • Enable Cloudwatch
  • insert bootstrapping script

Create Launch template

On this same page click create Auto-scaling group

Step 2 Instance Options select your VPC created earlier and your 2 public subnets

Configure Group size

desired Capacity=2, minimum =2, and Max =3, Click Next

Target Tracking Policy= value of 80 and Instances need 60 seconds warm-up

Everything looks good

Repeat the same steps to create another Auto-scaling group for the Private subnets (Application Tier)

Step 5: RDS Database tier creation

Type RDS in your Amazon Console, select subnet groups

Name your subnet, give a description and choose your VPC from earlier

Select your availability zones that you made the private subnets in and then select your subnets from the list, Hit Create

Next select databases on the left-hand side then create database

For this project, I will be using a MySQL engine type.

Under settings create a master username and password

Choose your VPC, make sure your private subnet is inserted and create a new Security group. Name it what you like and hit create database

now you wait! It may take a while to create

Connect your app tier to your database tier by clicking the link under the VPC security group, inbound rules tab, and deleting the current one there as it is not correct

You have just created a 3 tier Architecture

Let's connect to the EC2 instance and make sure the public can access our private

ping <private IP address>



April Ward

AWS Certified Developer . Born and raised in Charlottesville, VA, and currently residing in Mechanicsville, VA looking for a role in Tech!