HL7 v2 to FHIR Interface Mapping

Abigail Watson
11 min readFeb 3, 2017


In this tutorial, we’re going to explain how to send data from an electronic health record (EHR) to a full-stack javascript webapp using an HL7 interface engine. We will be mapping data from the 1980s era HL7 v2 standard to the modern Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources web standards.

Architecture Overview

The most basic HL7 interface between two electronic health records is an Admit/Discharge/Transfer (ADT) interface. An ADT interface may be either unidirection or bidirectional, depending on whether a return message is sent.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we are interested in passing data from an older EHR that uses the HL7 v2 standard to a newer EHR that uses Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). Assuming that EHR A only speaks v2, and EHR B only speaks FHIR, it’s necessary to have an interface engine between the two, which is responsible for transforming messages from v2 to FHIR.

As such, we have a interface comprised of two channels, which includes four links, and eight endpoints.

However, in a production setting, the originating EMR may only have live data, which is inappropriate to use for building up an interface. So, for the purposes of building an app and this tutorial, we want to use a testing utilities to simulate the EHR interface.

Install the Tools

You’ll need to install the following tools and utilities. This tutorial assumes that you have a vanilla installation, and haven’t configured them yet.

Mirth Connect HL7 Interface Engine
Mirth FHIR Technology Preview 2
Google Chrome Web Browser
Meteor Javascript Platform
Meteor on FHIR Interface Engine
Postman HTTP Endpoint Utility
HAPI HL7 Endpoint Utility

Note: Due to the number of components involved in this tutorial, we recommend using multiple monitors. This is a task that is facilitated with screen real estate. Dual HDMI or Thunderbolt monitors will make this tutorial much easier.

Meteor on FHIR Configuration

For running this tutorial, you will want to use thesettings.tutorial.json settings file, and turn on debugging.

git clone http://github.com/clinical-meteor/meteor-on-fhir
cd meteor-on-fhir/webapp
NODE_ENV=test DEBUG=true meteor --settings settings.tutorial.json

This tutorial relies on the default outbound interface being active; so be sure to set the status and endpoint if you decide to experiment.

"interfaces": {
"default": {
"status": "active",
"channel": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:3000"

Part 1 — Admitting a Patient from the EHR

The case sample begins with a patient Jane Doe who is registering at a walk-in clinic for the first time for an X-Ray of a broken arm. The front-desk receptionist is responsible for taking her information, Name, Age, Date of Birth, and adding it into the electronic health record, which will assign Jane a medical record number. When this happens, the EHR system will notify the Radiology system that Jane has arrived.

The Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) Message

Before we begin setting up our interface, we should take a look at the v2 message we’re going to send. The cannonical HL7 v2 message is an ER7 (Pipe and hat) message sent over Dual Port MLLP (Minimum Link Layer Protocol). It looks like this:


Unless you’ve been in the industry for a long time, this probably looks like gibberish to you. And you’re not the only one. There’s a reason we don’t use this format anymore. Yet somehow it’s still widely used, so it’s important to be able to parse it.

The important things to remember are that this format was invented when RAM in computers was measured in kilobytes and modem speeds were 2,400 bit/s. It may seem terse, but all you need to remember is that the pipe character | is a field separator, which makes the entire message basically like a comma or tab separated file. The carrots ^ denote subfields.

If you’re not familiar with modems, they’re point-to-point communication devices used in the 70s and 80s. When we talk about Dual Port MLLP, we’re talking about an Ethernet technology to simulate a modem link. It’s a minimalist bare-bones TCP/IP connection. As simple as you can get.

Each HL7 v2 message has a segment header. In this case MSH which stands for Message Header. You’ll also see that it’s of type ADT A01. By using an HL7 Segment ID Lookup Table, you’ll see the following segment corresponds to an Admit/visit notification.


The second segment is a Patient Identification segment, which contains basic demographics for a patient, including medical record number, name, and date of birth.


Configuring the Outbound v2 Endpoint

The first thing we need to do is set up our V2 endpoint. We’ll configure it with Dual Port MLLP (Minimum Link Layer Protocol) using the ER7 (Pipe and hat) encoding. We’ll want to take note of the inbound and outbound ports, which we’ll use later when setting up Mirth.

Click the ‘Start’ button, and you should see the localhost:61839 light up green, and be routed to a new page where we can specify an ER7 message.

Configuring the Inbound v2 Endpoint

Before we can send the message, we need somewhere to send it to. We begin configuring the destination endpoint by logging into Mirth, and setting up a new channel.

Most of the default channel settings are fine to use. These settings become more important when the interface is in production, and lots of data is flowing through the interface engine. That’s when things like pruning metadata, caping storage, and encrypting the database become important.

Click on the Source tab to begin configuring the other endpoint of our first link. Remember that port 61839 from the other endpoint? We want to set up a TCP listener on that port. Add an auto-generated response (which we call an ACK or acknowledgement), and set the transmission mode to MLLP. And we should be good to go. There are many more options available to fine-tune the interface in a production environment. But for now, simply Deploy Channel

Creating the v2 to FHIR Channel

The idea behind an interface engine is that it connects inbound interfaces to outbound interfaces. Each of these connections is called a channel. And we begin defining a channel by specifying it’s inbound and outbound datatypes.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re interested in mapping legacy v2 messages to modern FHIR messages. And since FHIR is based on modern web standards, the format we’re interested in is the Javascript Object Notation (JSON). So lets begin creating the channel by going back to the Data Types tab, and specifying an inbound datatype of HL7 v2.x, and an outbound datatype of JSON.

We’re now ready to set up the outbound FHIR endpoint. Go to the Destination tab, and giving the destination a custom name and specifying an HTTP Sender connector type. We’re interested in sending a POST message to the /fhir/MessageHeader route. Since HTTP doesn’t support ED7 encoding, we’ll also need to transform our message. So we’ll need to specify the content as $(message.transformedData).

Mapping the ADT Message to a FHIR Patient Resource

To transform the data, click on Edit Transformer, which will take you to a scripting page. We need to create a MessageHeader object to map the MSH segment to, and a Patient object to map the PID segment to. Specific fields in the v2 message (delimited by the | character) can be accessed using array notation using a dot syntax. This mapping will be most easily done by simply looking at the mapping sample below for guidance. When done, Validate Script and Deploy Channel.

See the entire v2 to FHIR Patient Channel Mapping File

Sending an ADT Message from one App to Another

We’re now ready to log into the Meteor on FHIR app, and receive an message. Open up Meteor on FHIR and log in as a System Administrator.

Confirm that there are no messages or patients in the system.

Now go to the HL7 v2 endpoint utility, make sure our ED7 message is correct, that the connection is started on localhost, and then click Send.

If everything works correctly, the interface engine dashboard should auto-increment, indicating that a message was both Received and Sent. You may need to refresh the app to get the latest metrics.

If you drill down on the channel, you’ll see a message log where you can see the status of each message. Click on Transformed to see FHIR message that the transfomer script generated.

If the message was sent successfully, we should now be able to go to the Meteor on FHIR app, and see a message in the Inbound HL7 Message log.

We should also have a patient registered in the Patient index.

Part 2 — Returning A Patient to the EHR

Now it’s time for the return trip. Our case sample is that of sending the patient back to the original system with some edits to the demographic information.

The FHIR Patient Resources

On the return trip, we will be sending the same information; but with modern web-standards and using the Javascript Object Notation (JSON). As you can see, this format is more verbose and structurally formatted. JSON is comprised of a hierarchical data structure, so most JSON objects can be represented as a branching tree of some sort. This makes it very convenient for representing healthcare data; as the science of biology is fundamentally comprised of tree, graph, and web datatypes.

"resourceType" : "Patient",
"identifier" : [{
"use" : "usual",
"type" : {
"coding" : [{
"system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0203",
"code" : "MR"
"value" : "MRN12345"
"name" : [{
"family" : [
"given" : [
"text" : "Jane Doe"
"gender" : "F"

Configuring the Inbound v2 Endpoint

Setting up the inbound v2 endpoint is fairly straight forward. We simply need to configure a Receiving Connection with a new port number and start it. In this example, we will use Single Port MLLP, as the Mirth interface engine’s outbound TCP Sender is a ‘fire-and-forget’ setup.

Once started, the interface will display an activity monitor, where we can watch for incoming messages.

We start configuring the interface engine for the return trip by creating a second channel named Return Trip. In practice, this will usually be named with the receiving EHR system’s info.

For the next step, it’s important that you’ve installed the Mirth FHIR Technology Preview 2, as we want to install a FHIR Listener as our Source connector type. We will also want to specify the JSON format, and enable the Patient Resource.

Next, configure the Destination connector type to be a TCP Sender with MLLP Transmission Mode. Use the address and port number from the v2 endpoint utility. Lastly, specify ${message.transformedData} for the message content.

Now it’s time for the return mapping. In this script, we’re starting with a JSON object, and using it to build a string. The pattern used here is a stitching or decorator pattern; where we continuously decorate the string with one field after another. Be aware that we need to escape certain characters using the \ character; that the date string has to be broken up into its component parts, segments are separated by the \r character, and the JSON object isn’t guaranteed to have all of it’s fields filled out, so we have to use defensive programming and check each value is present before assigning it into the string.

See the entire FHIR Patient to V2 Channel Mapping File.

Once this is all completed, we can go back to our application, and send a Patient through the interface.

You can install default patient data with Meteor on FHIR by specifying the Patients environment variable, like so: Patients=true meteor

If everything works, we should see a message Received over the channel, and Sent to the v2 endpoint.

Inspecting the message should show us the raw Patient object that was sent from the Meteor on FHIR server.

And the transformed ED7 message that was sent to the v2 endpoint.

Which, if everything worked correctly, should have arrived in our activity monitor. Success! It works!

The Received HL7 v2 Message in ED7 Format

If everything worked correctly, you should have received the following message.

PID|MRN12345|cTtAcSGnhE2cqApnQ||John Doe||1975-02-03T00:00:00.000Z|M|||||||||||||||||||||||


Congratulations. If you’ve made it through the tutorial, and sent a patient through each system and completed the round-trip, you can say that you’ve built both a v2 and FHIR interface.


HAPI HL7 Endpoint Utility
Postman HTTP Endpoint Utility
Google Chrome Web Browser
Mirth Connect HL7 Interface Engine
Mirth FHIR Technology Preview 2
Meteor Javascript Platform
Meteor on FHIR Interface Engine

Catalyze.io — The HL7 ORM Order Entry Message
Catalyze.io — How to Integrate with Epic or any EHR
Catalyze.io — The Admission/Discharge/Transfer ADT Message
CorePointHealth — HL7 OBX Segment
CorePointHealth — HL7 ORU Segment
CorePointHealth — HL7 ORM Segment
Caristix — OBX Segment

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources — Overview
FHIR Resourcelist — DTSU2
FHIR Patient Resource
FHIR Message Header Resource

Day Made of Glass 2 (Medical Edit)

