Life Insurance in Canada: How Does It Work?

Andrew W Bradley
3 min readSep 12, 2016


How does life insurance work in Canada?

Now I bet your wondering how exactly does life insurance in Canada work and how does it provide financial security, this article will hopefully shed light on the subject. Most people who want financial security when it comes to their future invest in a life insurance policy. A life insurance policy is a contract made between the insurer and the policy owner. The insurer agrees to pay a specific amount of money upon the incidence of death or a terminal illness on the insured individual.

You should review the offers provided by different insurance companies so you could be sure of what you are getting the most for your money. The key element to figure out what is the best plan for you is to determine your needs and your budget. Do you have enough to set aside for a whole life insurance policy or do you just want to have a considerable amount of insurance for a short period of time? Do you have children you want to provide for when it comes to their university education? These are important points to consider when you want to have life insurance.

After choosing the plan that you want, you have to pay the insurance company every year, usually in a monthly basis, and the amount that you pay for is called a premium. The amount of money you pay will vary on the type of insurance that you have entered a contract in. If you were able to have a term life insurance in Canada, then you are paying premiums only for a specified number of years, ranging from about five to thirty years. Most people would like this type of insurance policy because it is relatively cheaper, but however, it does not accumulate cash value. If you want a type of life insurance which will stay with you for a lifetime, then it would be better for you to have a whole life insurance policy. In this case, the policy will cover you for a lifetime.

The insurance company invests the premiums that you give to them, and the cash value accumulates as time goes by. In this case, you can be sure that you are really able to save some money by just paying the monthly premiums involved in the policy.

Now that you know how life insurance in Canada works, it is time to apply for one which suits your needs best. As you can see, you will not have any confusion regarding how life insurance works, because it is pretty simple. In general, most people would prefer any of the two types depending on their needs and budget.

Just remember to work with a good life insurance broker who can help you choose the right coverage and company to apply with. You can never go wrong with a life insurance in Canada as a means of ensuring your financial security.


Photo credit: mtneer_man via / CC BY-ND

Originally published at All About Life & Health Insurance.

