9 Reasons Why You Should Reduce Facebook Usage. Updated to 9+.

Awesome Sid
3 min readApr 5, 2018


Uninstall the app. You can use the browser to browse Facebook.

  1. Almost 2 billion Facebook users compromised.

2. From 50 million, the new number is 87 million. More leaks on Cambridge Analytics.

3. Why you shouldn’t use Facebook login for everything.

4. Facebook reads all the important data in your phone.

5. It checks how much income you get. Why?

6. They also run psychological experiments on you.

7. It eats a lot of your battery.

8. It ruins your relationship

9. It ensures that you will use it no matter what you do.

10. Secret project to get behind your medical records.

There goes your medical history down the drain, even if the say it is anonymous, it is not. Imagine selling this data to insurance companies and they charge you more premium.

11. FB deletes Mark’s old messages.

Like nothing happened.



Awesome Sid

Thinker. UX designer. Everything creative! Looking for UX designer/researcher jobs in Toronto. twitter.com/@awesomesid