Introducing Value Added, an enso podcast.

Andrew Wisniewski
1 min readMay 26, 2016


At enso, we have a core belief: people, armed with new tools and inspired by purpose, are more powerful than ever before. And we help brands connect with people who share their values to work together and add value to the world.

Now, more than ever, people are creating, innovating, disrupting, collaborating, and helping to make a positive impact. So we thought: why not get them into a room to tell us about what they’re doing and what inspires them, to see if we can learn a thing or two? And that’s just what we’re doing on our newly launched Value Added Podcast. We’ve been fortunate to speak with some pretty amazing guests so far, and we’ll continue to sit down with people from a variety of places and interests and share these discussions twice a month.

To stay up-to-date on new episodes, please subscribe and listen on iTunes or SoundCloud, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to enso’s Medium page. If you’re interested in being on the podcast or just want to leave some feedback, please feel free to reach out,

