Value Added, Episode 4: It’s All About The Journey with Sam Polk

Andrew Wisniewski
2 min readAug 8, 2016


This process of…going out into the world and figuring out where you fit and how you can contribute and what you’re supposed to be doing, and carving out that place in the world and the journey through which you get to that place, is basically the most important thing that you will ever do in your life. — Sam Polk

On this episode of Value Added, we get a glimpse inside the mind of Sam Polk, a former hedge fund trader and Jerry Maguire-esque millionaire who exchanged his obsessions with money, power, and attention for purposeful work. Cliche? Maybe. But his struggle with validation should feel familiar to anyone who’s ever measured their worth by what’s in their bank account.

Polk candidly talks about “filling up holes” left from years of addiction, what his friends on Wall Street think, and what it means to co-create with the universe. It’s a riches to meaning story that challenges the common definition of success.

You can find the episode on iTunes or SoundCloud, and remember to subscribe! To stay updated on new episodes of the podcast follow enso on Twitter and Medium.

You can buy Sam’s book For the Love of Money, A Memoir here and, if you live in Los Angeles, make sure to stop in and get a bite at Everytable.

Special thanks to our producer Emily-Rose Wagner, Daniel Hall, and the rest of the enso team.

Value Added was created by enso to highlight people and initiatives that are creating real value in the world. enso is an impact studio, applying mission-driven creativity in service of world value. We work with visionary brands and on our own initiatives.

