Stuck with Pivotal Tracker? Get sorted here in 5 minutes.

5 min readDec 9, 2018


A project management tool, defined in the simplest way possible, is a tool that helps a particular team ie a software development team to plan what to do, where, how, by who and at what time. It is a guide that ensures tasks are completed on time depending on their level of complexity.

Pivotal Tracker is one of the best management tools used by not only software developers but also other organizations in managing and assigning tasks and duties in case of a particular project. Stories, a future of this management tool makes it very easy for both team members and non-team members of an organization to follow what is going on in the project. Stories are the most important future in Pivotal Tracker thus, this article will major on how to write amazing stories for your projects using Pivotal Tracker.

Key definitions:

  • A story: When an entire project is divided into smaller portions or several minor tasks, the tasks making up the project are what according to PT, are referred to as stories.
  • A story type: Stories can either be features, bugs or chores depending on what task is being done.

Feature: This is a task or a portion of a project that has to be done for the project to be complete. the above example is a login/log out feature of a project.

(NOTE: A feature should be written from a user’s perspective for example; “A user should be able to Login”)

Bug: A bug is an impediment that can be fixed to make the project run better as compared to the previous version of the project

Chore: Unlike stories, they are written from the developer’s perspective. They are those tasks that the developer do in order to make the project work perfectly well.

An example of a chore is “Host the app on Heroku.” or “Connect the app to the database.”
  • Blocker: Can be viewed as a wall or a hindrance to smooth progress of the project. Logistics and resources can be bugs ie lack of reliable network.
  • Description: presenting a story in a way that can be understood by everyone. Best practice on how to describe a story is explained later in the article.
  • Labels and Tasks: A label uniquely identifies the story for example “user interfaces” is a label for front-end development while a task is the to-do list of the story.

😉😉😉Enough with the boring theories, lets now get to write our stories. I am assuming that you have already opened an account with PT, if not, follow this link

Pivotal Tracker sign up

(Use your Gmail account to signup since it is easier and faster)

  • Step 1: Create a new project

After signing up, you should be able to create a new project where you will enter the project name, your account name and specify if the project should be private or public. A public project can be shared among individuals(recommended for Andela).

  • Step 2: Create the stories

There are two common parts that appear on the PT board while creating stories; icebox and Current iteration. When one creates a new story and has not yet started working on it, it is placed in the icebox section. When he or she starts working on it, it moves to Current iteration and when the story is done, it moves to Done.

a) Title of the story

Make the title short and easy to understand by everyone including those who are not included in the project team. A good example of a story title is: “A user should be able to create an account and log in.” This should be written from the users’ perspective.

b) Story type

Select the story type following the above definitions. Our above story fits to be called a feature since it is a login and signup function of an app. Specify if the story is either a feature, a bug or a chore.

c) Estimate the story

Depending on the complexity of the story, an estimation of the story must be done.

If it is something that can be done in an hour or so, an estimation of 1 can fit it better, if the task can take a whole day, an estimation of 2 is fine, if the task looks a bit complex and can take two or a few more days, it can be estimated at 3 and if the task requires thorough research and can take a week, an estimation of 4 can suit it best. Estimations are done as per the time and complexity of the story.

NOTE: Every feature must be estimated.

d) Describe your story.

Your stories should be described in a way that can be understood by anyone including those who are not involved in the project. The description should define the acceptance criteria which will determine if the story is done or no. Below is a best practice of how to describe a story

NOTE: Visit the link below to learn how to edit your descriptions 
Editing your Descriptions

e) Add tasks

After the description, a developer should be able to know what he or she is supposed to do in order to fully complete the story. He os she should thus add the required task for instance (1. Create the login UI 2. Create the signup UI).

  • step 3: Activities and Integration

A good project management tool enables one to integrate the stories with other software development tools. Pivotal Tracker enables you to integrate it to GitHub so that all your commit messages from Git can be viewed under the activity section. You can as well start and finish your stories from your local machine once the integration is done. View my next article in order to learn how to integrate your pivotal tracker with GitHub.

