If it has been done, you can do it!

3 min readJan 14, 2019


Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Ever thought of doing something that seems very impossible to do? Well, that is how it feels for someone totally green in the general field of technology to try and learn how to operate a Linux operating system, leave alone programming and solving problems via coding.

My passion for technology, specifically learning to programme despite my original field developed when I watched a television programme called Startup where the main antagonist of the story was very good in programming that he quit his job and started a simple startup company which in turn changed the lives of many individuals in the society. I started by looking at simple video tutorials on Youtube which were mainly talking about simple HTML and CSS which by then was such a hard nut to crack. As the videos advanced, things got more sophisticated that I decided to stop the learning process.

After a period of time, I came across this advertisement talking about how an employer is looking for people with a great passion for technology. This was an Andela advert that required no resume to apply for. All that was required was the passion and the ability to learn, grasp and develop technologically. I applied and underwent the entire application process. As a requirement to advance the company requires that one take up home study curriculum that literally provides every single background that one might require to advance and level up in programming. This formed a yardstick that brought me to light and realized that indeed one is able to learn new concept with the right mindset.

I believed that I was able to learn of what was required from me when I received a new mail that invited me for an interview process after passing the home study assessment. One was supposed to defend their own codes to the interviewer. I did this to my level best. Even though I didn't clear the whole test that was required, what I did impressed the interviewer leading him to make a decision that brought me here.

It is with great passion and the correct mindset that has enabled me to level up in the entire programming field to this current level. It is unbelievable that as per today, I am able to create great responsive front end user interfaces as well as backend functionalities using various frameworks like Flask and Flask restful. I can as well openly brag about creating an application up to some level while implementing the most required approach of Test Driven Development. With a growth mindset, it is thus evident that one can learn anything and one is able to stretch his or her capabilities to very great heights. It is with great hopes that with such a mindset of growth and development every single day, I will be able to grasp more required concepts for this company and meet the minimum requirements.

