Why I had to learn TDD real bad!

2 min readSep 24, 2018


A new mail! It was time to go for the interview. when all this started, I honestly never knew that I could get to this level. It was clear that the higher I progressed, the tougher the challenges got. Even though cracking this nut got harder, what kept me going was the fact that this opportunity required no experience in programming but the willingness of someone to expand his or her eagerness to learn and capture new skills, one of my life goals; always try to learn new things. The interview date was fast approaching and all I had learned about was just the basics of programming contained in most of the home study units. To the interview, one was to carry his or her own codes and tests to the various challenges that were provided. Poor me! I had gasped just but simple Python programming concepts like making a function that adds two numbers. I had to push my self further, read more, watch more youtube tutorials on writing tests and do more practices.

“You will be defending your codes so that we can review what you have done, this will impact immersively on your ticket to the boot camp,” these were the interview facilitator's words during that very day of recording. The code reviewer was friendly, he had a smiley face, something that brought some courage, hope, and confidence, at least. He went through my codes and all was well until when he told me to run my test codes and just from the word go, my tests failed. He looked at me like now what should we do. I had my own excuses, “the tests were running just fine in the morning when I last tested them,” I defended myself. I went further to show him all the practices I did just to enable me to come up with the tests that just turned their back on me. He smiled and told me that he loved my passion and eagerness to learn and that I have to put more efforts to learn how to write better tests and generally improve on my python coding knowledge.

A few days later, my mailbox popped informing me that I was invited to the boot camp. However, before the boot camp, there were more challenges to be done and submitted and one had to read and practice more on writing tests thus I had to dig deeper. It is from this experience that I had to put more efforts and learn more on how to write tests and implementing them and at this point, I can certify that at least I can write test with more fewer struggles and with better coverage level.

