Broken Glass

Awkward Mermaid
1 min readSep 23, 2018


Lisa L. Weber

Broken glass / broken soul / jagged edges against my skin / jagged edges of my heart / the razor sharp and piercing / as the voice inside my head / asking questions I can’t answer / screaming out accusations / as I bow my head in shame / I fall to my knees / heavy with regret / I tear myself open / let the blood flow / both punishment / and release / I tear myself open / free the prisoners from within / but their ghosts still haunt / the hollowed cells / of my unforgiven body / their transgressions / etched on my arms / I wish the knife was sharper / my will stronger / my soul pure.

Lisa L. Weber is drowning in her thoughts and feelings. Her work has appeared in Anti-Heroin Chic, The Ginger Collect, Memoir Mixtapes, Rag Queen Periodical, Burning House Press, Rabid Oak, Rose Quartz Journal, and Mojave Heart Review. Follow her on Twitter @LisaLermaWeber



Awkward Mermaid

Awkward Mermaid is an online literary community and safe space for writers to share freely their experiences with mental illness.