Trying to grok Cloudstate

Akshay Mathur
1 min readSep 10, 2019


I recently landed up on somehow.

It appears to try to combine general-purpose stateful applications with serverless. The documentation is still fairly new and a work in progress. It seems to originate from the Reactive and Akka ecosystem championed by Lightbend (formerly Typesafe).

Per their documentation, it’s

“a specification, protocol, and reference implementation for providing distributed state management patterns suitable for Serverless computing.”

It appears to bring together a bunch of terms, some of which I only have a passing familiarity with, but scratches all my itches.

  1. Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs)
  2. P2P messaging
  3. Knative
  4. GraalVM
  5. gRPC
  6. Akka Cluster

It runs on top of Kubernetes and seems to use Akka sidecar containers for serverless pods. Which sounds fascinating. Still trying to wrap my head around the architecture and it’s implications.

