Shock at WWE Fastlane as Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso Become New Tag Team Champs

4 min readOct 8, 2023


At WWE Fastlane 2023, the unexpected happened. In a shocking upset, Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso took home the Tag Team Championships in an exciting match. It was an unexpected twist to the night, one that caught many viewers by surprise. It was the first time in years that Cody Rhodes had won a championship in the WWE, and the first time that Jey Uso had ever won a championship. Fans were absolutely stunned at the outcome of the match.

The Match
The match between Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso at WWE Fastlane was an absolute nail-biter from start to finish. Both superstars showcased their incredible skills and athleticism, leaving the crowd on the edge of their seats. The chemistry between Rhodes and Uso was undeniable as they executed flawless teamwork and high-flying maneuvers. The back-and-forth action had fans holding their breath, not knowing which team would come out on top. In the end, Rhodes and Uso pulled off a surprising victory, solidifying their status as the new Tag Team Champions. It was a match that will be talked about for years to come.

The Build-up to Fastlane
Leading up to Fastlane, the tension between Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso was palpable. It all began when Uso made a surprise return to the WWE after a long absence. He immediately targeted Rhodes, claiming that he was tired of being overlooked and was ready to prove himself. Rhodes, on the other hand, saw Uso as just another obstacle in his path to redemption. The rivalry between the two intensified with each passing week, as they traded blows and exchanged heated words. The anticipation for their showdown at Fastlane reached a fever pitch, with fans eagerly awaiting the clash of these two talented superstars.

Cody Rhodes’ Journey
Cody Rhodes’ journey to becoming the Tag Team Champion at WWE Fastlane was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. After a string of tough losses and setbacks, Rhodes found himself at a crossroads in his career. Determined to prove himself, he trained harder than ever, honing his skills and perfecting his craft. With each defeat, Rhodes grew stronger and more determined to succeed. His resilience paid off at Fastlane when he and Jey Uso defied the odds and captured the Tag Team Championships. It was a testament to Rhodes’ perseverance and unwavering belief in himself.

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Jey Uso’s Dominance
Jey Uso proved to be a dominant force throughout the match at WWE Fastlane. From the moment he stepped into the ring, he exuded confidence and aggression, leaving no doubt that he was determined to come out on top. His high-energy offense and impressive strength overwhelmed his opponents, showcasing his incredible athleticism and skill. Jey Uso’s dominance was evident in every move he made, from his powerful strikes to his perfectly executed aerial maneuvers. It was a display of his unmatched talent and a testament to why he deserved to be the Tag Team Champion.

The Title Win
In an unbelievable turn of events, Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso emerged as the victors at WWE Fastlane, securing the Tag Team Championships in a truly remarkable fashion. Against all odds, the dynamic duo showed incredible teamwork and determination, delivering a performance that left fans in awe. The crowd erupted with cheers and applause as Rhodes and Uso celebrated their hard-earned victory. This unexpected win solidifies their place in WWE history and opens up exciting possibilities for their future as the new Tag Team Champions. The wrestling world is buzzing with excitement and anticipation for what’s to come for these incredible athletes.

Fan Reactions
Fans around the world were left speechless after witnessing Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso’s incredible victory at WWE Fastlane. Social media exploded with excitement and disbelief as fans expressed their astonishment at the unexpected outcome. Many praised the teamwork and chemistry displayed by Rhodes and Uso, while others were simply in awe of the high-octane action and athleticism showcased in the match. The overwhelming consensus among fans was a shared excitement for the future of the new Tag Team Champions. It’s clear that this shocking win will be a hot topic of discussion among wrestling fans for quite some time.

What’s Next for the New Champs?
With their shocking victory at WWE Fastlane, Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso have solidified their place as the new Tag Team Champions. Now, the question on everyone’s mind is: what’s next for these new champs? With their impressive skills and undeniable chemistry, Rhodes and Uso are sure to face a string of challengers eager to take their titles. The wrestling world is buzzing with excitement as fans speculate about potential rivalries and dream matchups. Will they defend their titles successfully? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure — the future looks bright for these incredible athletes.

