We chisel and hack at the monolithic weight of the world, chipping off minute grains of happiness wherein resides the promise of an answer to the ever-abiding question: At the core, who are we? Or more specifically, who or what are we on a soul-level?
I’ve pondered this question many times throughout my life, and if you are an old soul, chances are that you have also investigated this aspect or yourself.
I can recall being three years old and being frustrated when adults treated me like a child. I distinctly remember thinking, “I am not three years old. That may be my chronological age, but I am not three years old.”
This age-body disconnect stayed with me until my mid-thirties when I realized that, although I’m always going to be an old soul on the inside, I can also bridge a connection to this earthly shell and thank it for all it does for me.
Science is beginning to validate the premise of the old soul. Journalist Tom Shroder wrote Old Souls: The Scientific Search for Proof of Past Lives, a systematic inquiry that studied children who claim to remember incidents from past lives.