BAZAAR Tech Convention 2017

Anton Cherkasov
3 min readNov 20, 2017


On November 18, the Aworker team participated in BAZAAR Tech Convention 2017, Moscow. This event was dedicated to the innovations in Human Resources, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and other areas created via blockchain technology.

The event brought together representatives of state structures, ministries, leading Russian development institutions, leading international experts, key practitioners, and analysts, representatives of the largest social organizations dealing with children’s issues and others. The CEO of blockchain start-up Aworker Anton Cherkasov was one of the speakers at the main panel.

“Children in technology: are they smarter than us? How can blockchain help the government? Why some projects do well on ICO and others don’t?”

The answers to these and many other business questions were given by the speakers and representatives of the companies participated in the event.

In the photo: Anton Cherkasov pitching the Aworker to the guests of the conference

Anton Cherkasov and HR Partner of Aworker Mikhail Barkov took the lead in HR expert session and assisted with the program preparation and the search of speakers to the HR panel. Before Anton’s speech Mikhail Barkov and CBO of Aworker Svetlana Fomenkova had a productive discussion about the current problems in the industry with experts in HR. During the discourse Anton explained that with blockchain technology Aworker offers crucial advantages to the businesses: reliability and transparency. In the blockchain no one can change the data which creates a possibility to form decentralized rating of candidates containing a set of competencies, skills and work experience. With the help of the blockchain, it’s possible to create a professional eco-system for employees’ reputation based on hard facts.

In the photo: founder of the employment agency RABOTARESTORAN Nina Makogon, CBO of Aworker Svetlana Fomenkova, Head of HR Tom Tailor Tatyana Melnikova, HR Partner of Aworker Mikhail Barkov

There were three most common questions from the guests of the conference that we are going to answer here:

“Sounds interesting, but how is it better than Linkedin?”

“We have a few differences from Linkedin. First, these are skills that are tested by a community of experts. In Aworker, you can not place a ‘+’ skill without checking the supporting documents. Secondly, people will be able to earn extra on their proven skills. Thirdly, it is a decentralized assessment of the employee’s competencies, which will allow creating a rating of specialists throughout the whole country.” —

Anton Cherkasov

In the photo: HR Partner of Aworker Mikhail Barkov, Head of HR Tom Tailor Russia Tatyana Melnikova, founder of the employment agency RABOTARESTORAN Nina Makogon, Daria Bogachkina from Theory and Practice, CBO of Aworker Svetlana Fomenkova

“Why do you think people will use it?”

“We are sure that people who work really hard want to show their achievements and improvements in a professional area to the potential employer. However, they have to prove again and again that they are worthy of the job. In case they are not good in self-promotion — the job probably will go to another person. We want people to appreciate and verify their work experience and help them to share this knowledge with employers. All in all, it’s for the A-team specialists.”

“When we will see the product or a prototype?”

“At the moment the work on the product is in progress. We plan to release the early version of Aworker in spring 2018. We will keep you informed about our improvements.”

On behalf of Aworker team, we would like to thank all participants, who have given their time to take part in a discussion. We also would like to thank NUST MISIS and a Center of Blockchain Competencies of Vnesheconombank (VEB) for the organization and hospitality.

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