Report Week #24

Anton Cherkasov
4 min readApr 24, 2018


April 18 — April 24

How is your week going? This week we had lots of publications and visited a Blockchain Hackathon. Find out more about Aworker news in the report.

Key events of the week:

  1. Experts in Blockchain Cup Hackathon
  2. AMA session with Aworker founders
  3. Several publications in HackerNoon
  4. Publication in CanardCoinCoin
  5. Publication in Decentral.News
  6. Publication in ReviewCoin
  7. Several video reviews
  8. Publication on new listings

Experts in Blockchain Cup Hackathon

A few days ago we went to the Saint Petersburg with Aworker HR partner Mikhail Barkov to assess the projects on the Blockchain Cup Hackathon. I also gave a speech about the future of the recruitment industry after blockchain technology implementation.

I would like to thank organizers for the event, and I’d like to congratulate the winners and all participants, you all did great!

AMA session with Aworker founders

Last Thursday we had AMA session on Facebook LIVE with myself and Aworker HR partner and co-founder Michael Barkov. We discussed modern ways of the job hunt and answered questions from viewers.

All videos from previous AMA session you can find on the Aworker Youtube channel.

I would like to thank everyone who joined us for the session and watched our video after that. We will have these live sessions more often, so stay tuned!

Publications in HackerNoon

The Giant Recruitment Agency Scam in Ghana: Non-refundable Registration Fees

It came to my attention that recruitment agencies in Ghana charge job seekers certain amount of money, named registration fee. This amount can reach 600 GHS (over 130 US dollars).

What’s more important, this registration fee is non-refundable which simply means that you wouldn’t get your money back even if the agency couldn’t find you a job. Can you believe that?

You can read the full article in the HackerNoon.

Networking Speeds Up Your Job Search. Can Blockchain Systematize It?

I also wrote an article to discuss some myths about networking and give ideas on how to make it less stressful. As a specialist with skills and professional expertise, when you network, you should identify contacts to build mutually beneficial relationships and follow up with them to nurture the potential for continued engagement and interaction.

Read the full article on the HackerNoon.

Publication in CanardCoinCoin

It was great to see the article about modern techniques of job search on the CanardCoinCoin platform.

Description: La plupart des employeurs et des agences de recrutement utilisent aujourd’hui les médias sociaux pour trouver les bons candidats, ce qui signifie que les gens choisissent ce media habituellement dans le cadre de leur stratégie de recherche d’emploi.

You can read the article Comment trouver un job: Blockchain VS réseaux sociaux here (French).

Publication in Decentral.News

This week we had another publication in different language.

Description: Die meisten Arbeitgeber und Personalagenturen nutzen heute soziale Medien, um die richtigen Kandidaten zu finden, was bedeutet, dass die Leute sie normalerweise als Teil ihrer Arbeitssuche-Strategie wählen: Laut dem “Undercover Recruiter” ist 1 von 4 “super social seekers” Erfolgreiches Netzwerk über Facebook, Twitter oder LinkedIn.

You can read the article So finden Sie einen Job: Blockchain Vs Social Networks here (German).

Publication in ReviewCoin.Me

Don’t forget to check out the Aworker review on ReviewCoin. I’d like to inform you that the content is available only after the registration on the site. Here is the link to the post.

Video reviews

There are several video reviews that we’ve seen on Youtube this week. Check out videos and let us know what do you think:

Publication on new listings

It’s nice to see how Aworker increases its presence on listings.

This week we appeared on these sites:

