Report Week #31

Anton Cherkasov
4 min readJun 12, 2018


June 6 — June 12

How are you doing? Aworker team had an insanely busy week with lots of events, tech updates, and online activities. Find out more about all of them in the report.

Key events of the week:

  1. AMA session with Aworker founders
  2. Webinar with HR partner Mikhail Barkov
  3. Airdrop 2
  4. Aworker and ByteBall Technology
  5. New member in Aworker Advisory Board
  6. Publication on the HackerNoon
  7. Publication on the Decentralize Today
  8. Aworker reviews
  9. Video reviews
  10. Publication in new listings

AMA session with Aworker founders

Last Thursday we had AMA session on Facebook LIVE with myself and Aworker HR partner and co-founder Michael Barkov. We discussed recent Aworker news and answered the most popular questions from Telegram members.

All videos from previous AMA session you can find on the new Aworker Youtube channel.

We have also decided to post Minutes from the AMA sessions, so you can read minutes from the previous one here.

I would like to thank everyone who joined us for the session and watched our video after that. We will have these live sessions more often, so stay tuned!

Webinar 2.0: HR Tech & Blockchain. Is HR ready for blockchain technology?

The webinar created by Michael Barkov, HR Partner of Aworker, Decentralized Blockchain Platform.

“Blockchain is a way to store personal information about candidates or employees in a secure, confidential manner and make it available to anyone with permission from those individuals.” Want to know more? Watch it here.

Aworker Airdrop #2

Aworker Airdrop 2 has officially started!

Learn all the details here.

Please, be careful and don’t join the suspicious chats re airdrops!
In Aworker official Telegram chat you can ask admins/team members all questions about project.

Aworker and ByteBall Technology

Aworker Considers Implementation of the ByteBall technology as well as Blockchain technology. We see the potential of DAG technology and want to support this direction, so we consider dividing the sale of WORK tokens in two directions.

Read the full release on the CryptoCurrencyHub.

New member of Aworker Advisory Board

Aworker team is delighted to share the news about Aditya Vikram Singh, a successful portfolio manager, who recently joined the Aworker Advisory Board.

His specialties include AI, machine learning and crowd wisdom based algo-trading, portfolio construction, asset allocation, consulting, the blockchain, capital acquisition, fundraising, advisory, corporate finance and project management.

Welcome on board, Aditya!

Publication on the HackerNoon

Top 5 Jobs Employers Are Hiring for Summer 2018

Description: Summer is usually the time for high schoolers’ and students’ first jobs. But it’s not only about young candidates. According to an annual survey from CareerBuilder, 41% of employers plan to hire seasonal workers for the summer. The number has picked up over the last two years.

You can read the full article here.

Publication on the Decentralize Today

Summer Shifts and Salaries Are Up as Recruiters Compete for Talents

Description: According to the Snag survey, summer recruitment is up, and employers are moving fast on it. 46% of employers raise wages to compete for talents, and 95% add extra shifts to their seasonal job openings. The State of the Hourly Worker report also shows that around 30% of the employers surveyed already completed hiring by the end of April, compared to 27% last year. Moreover, the majority of people planned to complete their recruitment in May.

Interestingly, this survey also demonstrated that more than 80% of hourly workers are willing to work multiple jobs to get more hours.

Read the full article here.

Aworker reviews

There are several Aworker reviews in different languages that have been published this week:

Video reviews

Crypto Walruses, a Youtube channel about promising projects and its’ bounty campaigns in Russian, made a video about the Aworker. In the video, as well as at Businka Review, authors go through Aworker website and explain the main advantages of the project and its’ potential to disrupt the recruitment industry.

You can watch full videos on Youtube.

Publication on new listings

It’s nice to see how Aworker increases its presence on listings.

This week we appeared on these sites:

Thanks for taking time and reading this report!

