Aworker Report Week #36

Anton Cherkasov
Game of Life
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2018

July 11 — July 17

How is your week going? Aworker team has lots of updates for you all. Find out more about these events/updates in the report.

Key events of the week:

  1. Top Positions of the Week
  2. Aworker Protocol
  3. Publication on the Decentralized Today
  4. Publication on Queb (German)
  5. Review on the CyberBlock
  6. Aworker reviews
  7. Video reviews
  8. Twitter arts
  9. Publication in new listings

Top Positions of the Week

We decided to post the coolest open positions at Aworker every week. Top job listing of this week is:

Project / Sales manager at Yoola
Where: Moscow, Russia
Tokens for closing a position: 168,000 WORK

Yoola is one of the largest YouTube Multi Channel Networks (MCN’s).

Trending Cryptocurrency Hub Articles:

1. The Crypto game

2. What will happen to Bitcoin and the crypto-market in 2018

3. New Crypto Game on the Block!

4. A Crypto that will Pay You

Recommend your acquaintances to the positions and get WORK tokens at

Aworker Protocol

We decided to upgrade Aworker project by broadening its features. It other words, we want to create a united standard in verified information about people to make it easier for everyone to prove their identity, education, work experience, make payments and participate in professional rating where anyone can show what he/she really worth.

Built on an open, distributed, and shared data layer to promote transparency and collaboration. Open data will have a positive impact on the connection with other dapps to use and update the information.

Learn more about Aworker Protocol at

You can also find an official press release here.

Publication on the Decentralized Today

An article “New Wave of Recruitment Scams” was published at tech portal Decentralized Today.

Description: There is a popular idea (especially among 18–25 y.o. people) that being cool means being an internet influencer/ambassador of a huge company to get free products and, of course, respect from your acquaintances.

This idea brought us here. There’s a social media scam, which works on Instagram targeting sneakerheads with promises of becoming a Nike influencer eligible to receive free Nike products.

Se attentive, everyone!

You can read the full text here.

Publication on Queb

An article “Where to find the best candidates if traditional methods are not working anymore” was published at tech portal Queb.

The article consists of ideas how blockchain can be helpful for HR industry especially some decentralized platforms like Aworker. You can read full texts online in German.

Review on the CyberBlock

An article titled “5 Powerful Ways Blockchain Technology Will Impact HR in 2018” was published at technology magazine CyberBlock and it’s about Aworker project.

Description: “It is hard to hire good employees It is difficult to assess candidates High costs for hiring It is hard t find a good job Companies and recruiters use data for the candidates’ skills for free.

All these problems require a lasting solution, without which all the parties in the industry will continue to suffer in one way or another.

For that reason, Aworker seeks to become the first blockchain platform to offer the much-needed solutions to the challenges witnessed in the recruitment and job search spheres.”

You can read the full article here.

Other Aworker reviews

There are several Aworker reviews in different languages that have been published this week:

Video reviews

Sanem Avcil, a Youtube channel about promising projects and bounty campaigns, made a review of Aworker. In the video authors go through Aworker website and explain the main advantages of the project and its’ potential to disrupt the recruitment industry.

You can watch full videos on Youtube.

Twitter Arts

We keep receiving cool images on Twitter. Your creativity inspires us to work even harder. Thank you so much for your support!

Here are some of the greatest examples we found this week:

Publication on new listings

It’s nice to see how Aworker increases its presence on listings.

This week we appeared on these sites:

Thanks for taking time and reading this report!

