Which HR functions are going to digitize first?

Anton Cherkasov
2 min readFeb 19, 2019


“The future will be less about general skills and more about in-depth mastery,” says Linda Gratton in her bestselling book “The Shift: The Future of Work is Already Here.

Opportunities for HR industry become genuinely limitless: routine and bureaucratic work can finally cease to occupy the time of HR specialists and give way to the primary function of HR — working directly with people. The role of HR managers is to see and to tell the business owners about new opportunities that are opened by new methods of managing people and technologies such as blockchain.

Digital transformation erases any barriers: physical, geographic, communication, hierarchical. It returns the HR specialist to the people in the organization, carries the primary function of integration and strategic development, and is the company’s DNA.

How blockchain technology can help HR specialists

  • The openness of the data leads to the solution of the problem with trust in the candidate’s words;
  • Confirmed assessment of candidate skills;
  • Self-motivation created by the rating system.

An aggregate system of the confirmation of job seekers professional skills solves all three problems. The new ecosystem, built on Ethereum blockchain, will avoid checking the data truthfulness in CVs, additional tasks for recruitment specialists and company managers.

A unified system for verification of employees’ skills will allow:

  • Workers with a good reputation, if necessary, find a job faster;
  • Businesses save time and money when hiring new people;
  • Objectively evaluate the competence and professionalism of people.

This article originally was published on Medium.

