Understanding AWS and its Global Infrastructure

Rahul Venati
3 min readSep 24, 2019


From last few years, cloud computing is creating a buzz in the IT industry and a lot of people shifting their careers as Cloud Engineers, Architects and more. Amazon web services having more market share compared to Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure learning AWS skills will create more opportunities.

If you are new to this cloud computing and AWS, before proceeding further I recommend you to watch this video by @linux-academy

AWS provides 100s of services ranging from storage to Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence. Here are few services at a high level. Each high-level service provide different services for example Compute service provides 13 different services

Few AWS services at a high level

Don’t worry about knowing all the services provide by AWS. You should know about basic core services like compute, storage, databases and network and learn the rest when you required them. In this article, let us know about the AWS Global Infrastructure. Understanding about global infrastructure might get you a few points in your cloud practitioner or solution architect associate exams.

Global Infrastructure :

AWS Global Infrastructure

As of today, AWS has 22 regions and 69 availability zones across the globe and Amazon announced 3 more regions and 9 more availability zones. Now, what is the difference between Region and Availability zones?

Availability zones are nothing but data centers. Regions are geographical area always consist of two or more availability zones. Availability zones are spread out in a region so that during any natural calamities at one availability zone it won't affect the other availability zone

Along with regions and availability zones, we have edge locations. Edge locations are used for caching the data. For example, a user in India accessing a file from US east region for the first time the file will be accessed from US East region. If any user from India tries to access the same file they can directly access it from caching server in India.

Which Regions to choose?

  • You can choose the nearest region based on where the more number of your users are located.
  • Sometimes the government doesn’t allow data to reside in different countries.
  • Choose a particular region where particular services are available. US east region has more number of services.

This is all about AWS Global Infrastructure and let us learn about Individual Amazon web services in the coming articles.



Rahul Venati

EdTech Enthusiast | Learning and Blogging about New Tech