Published inAwwwards MagazineFree e-book! Artificial Intelligence Driven Design, Chapter II: Training AI with Design.Discover how Artificial Intelligence will impact UX design, and how to design meaningful experiences in an era with AI-driven products &…Apr 10, 2019Apr 10, 2019
Published inAwwwards MagazineBrutalism — the miNd bEnding wOrld oF BrutAlist weB dEsigN!Something mind bending is happening in web design, a “Brutal” invasion of huge cursors, crazy hovers and unusable galleries! Brutalism in…Oct 23, 2017Oct 23, 2017
The Best Loading Animations of 2017Today we’re taking a closer look at our Loading Animations collection. According to Web Developer Advocate at Google, Paul Bakaus -“Humans…Jun 26, 2017Jun 26, 2017
Last Minute from Awwwards Conference LAMeet top international Digital Masters, Thought Leaders and Influencers in a unique 2-day experience.Jun 1, 2017Jun 1, 2017
Published inAwwwards MagazineWin tickets to see Netflix, Facebook and Google reveal their secrets at Awwwards Conference LAThe home of creativity and innovation Los Angeles has been chosen as the backdrop for our next 2 day digital design conference, Awwwards…Mar 29, 2017Mar 29, 2017
Published inAwwwards MagazineTalk: Aude Degrassat on Aesthetic in Digital Design at Awwwards Conference LondonArt Director at Elephant Aude Degrassat, joined a line up of experts and influences in digital design at Awwwards Conference London this…Mar 21, 2017Mar 21, 2017
Published inAwwwards MagazineJB Grasset from Monochrome talks Web VR and WebGL at Awwwards Conference LondonAwwwards Conferences for digital designers caused a buzz in the web design industry in London this February. Joining the line-up of top…Mar 13, 2017Mar 13, 2017
Published inAwwwards Magazine30+ Examples of Innovative and Experimental Navigation ExperiencesIn this article we want to go beyond the common and safe navigation patterns that provide an easy and natural way to access content…Mar 7, 2017Mar 7, 2017
Published inAwwwards MagazineA Collection of Stunning Hand-made and Calligraphy Fonts for Your Projects.Over the last few years we have seen a dramatic increase in the sheer variety of fonts available to designers for their web projects…Feb 27, 20171Feb 27, 20171
Published inAwwwards MagazineHead Tracking and Face and Emotion Recognition to control a WebVR GameTake a look inside the new series of eBooks for Digital Creatives, Volume 1: Space Lamb by 12 Wave.Aug 9, 2016Aug 9, 2016