DNA — The Dualchain Network Architecture

4 min readFeb 24, 2020


Introducing Metaverse Dualchain Network Architecture

Metaverse promises a couple of solutions through a single blockchain ecosystem. Metaverse’s integration with the Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA) permits a balance between scalability, security, and decentralization. Metaverse makes use of a 2nd chain to gain this, hence the title ‘Dualchain’, which runs parallel to the Metaverse blockchain the usage of a delegated proof of stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism.

This 2d chain is powered by way of DNA tokens, which are used to assist and pay expenses for the advanced decentralized purposes built on-chain. The DNA chain is incredibly scalable, with a block time of just 0.4 seconds, enabling an enlarge in transaction quantity and via extension, higher complexity of smart contracts constructed on the DNA blockchain. The ‘KrawlCat Generalized Oracle’ is deployed to speak between the ETP chain and transactions made on the a good deal faster DNA chain.

The Dualchain Network provides increased safety ensures than preceding chains, which matter solely on a single consensus mechanism, by means of using three simultaneous techniques of consensus. As a result, assaults on the Metaverse Network, such as a 51% attack, would require a tons larger diploma of computational power, creating a protected and impenetrable blockchain ecosystem.

About Dualchain Network Architecture

Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA) is a new and a whole lot quicker blockchain parallel to the present Metaverse chain and uses Delegated Proof-of-Stake as its consensus algorithm. DNA provides a long way increased transactions per 2nd and lets in for effective smart contracts that empower newer and greater complex decentralized applications (DAPPs).


Founded by means of prolific blockchain investor and early crypto adopter Eric Gu, Metaverse is a public ledger, combining a multitude of blockchain innovations within one platform. Metaverse affords a full suite of features, such as the capacity to create trustless and immutable tokenized assets, Metaverse Smart Tokens (MST), which can be freely issued, traded, and transferred inside the Metaverse ecosystem. Digital identities are facilitated by Metaverse’s decentralized ledger, imparting Metaverse ecosystem customers with a self-sovereign identity when transacting with the blockchain. Find out greater at mvs.org

Metaverse to Accelerate Blockchain Adoption with Lightning Networks

As we’ve established, at current members transacting over a lighting fixtures community need to use a pre-established payment channel to facilitate payment routing. This capacity that each events have to go out of their way to create these channels prior to the use of a Lightning Network, for example by means of putting up a Lightning node.

This is a reasonable venture for those events who wish to transact usually with each other, however for character one-time payments between a service provider and a customer, this severely limits the usefulness of Lightning Network and has been a fundamental trouble to its adoption.

But blockchain researchers are already working to clear up this. For example, as a substitute of establishing a single charge channel for two parties to transact, the Dualchain Network Architecture deployed by means of Metaverse lets in for transactions via the pre-built channels connecting 23 Super Nodes and 529 Regular Nodes on the network. Instead of establishing dedicated Lightning Network charge channels, transacting events on the Metaverse blockchain can enjoy extraordinarily quickly transactions with low fees via a multi-level remarkable node structure, as lengthy as every birthday celebration has an open channel to any of the participating nodes.

Listing on the Exchange

Some exchanges stand out with matching high trading speeds that execute trades almost instantly, provide various types of orders, and offer a high level of security of digital assets. Users will be able to trade DNA evidence against the USDT and ETH pairs, available for trading either through the RightBTC web-based exchange, or their iOS and Android applications.


Founded in 2016, Metaverse is a pioneering public blockchain that solves three of the predominant pain-points for blockchain technological know-how — scalability, security, and authentic decentralization. Having emerged as a pinnacle a hundred blockchain mission via market cap regardless of the hard market stipulations of 2018, Metaverse is now poised to launch its full suite of blockchain products. However, Metaverse is fairly extraordinary from other blockchain projects, bringing together more than one disbursed ledger science (DLT) improvements within one unified ecosystem.

So, what makes Metaverse unique from other DLT projects, and how is their Dualchain answer disrupting the modern-day shape of blockchain protocols?

DNA White Paper

Metaverse WhitePaper


Website: http://mvsdna.com/
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Medium: https://medium.com/metaverse-blockchain
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Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2180016
Wallet DNA: MFgyiGF65WbiLehsh5tRDpbLTATPUj7vEL

