Meetup Mayhem

Schuster Braun
2 min readAug 2, 2018


Star Ship Enterprise gloriously sailing the stars and pushing frontiers

Captain’s log. Star date… July something. The third meetup of The Augusta Developer was a total success. We came, we saw, we killed it. The format for the latest meetup was 4 lightning talks. It started off with Marshall Thompson’s talk on NPM Scripts, the most approachable of automation processes. The second presentation was Austin Conder’s talk on Webpack, where we learned the power that Webpack can bring to the table. The next talk was given by Jamie Introcaso on .NET. The only reason we let him talk is because he is our token .NET representative and we are an inclusive group. Just kidding, C# is totally welcome even though….Microsoft (as I type on an MS laptop). Here’s his awesome talk on MSBuild. Last but not least was our resident DevOps expert Michael Haselton talking about Kubernetes and Helm, which if you didn’t know is the coolest thing since sliced bread (or so I’ve heard from the DevOps folks who know about how to keep my garbage code running). I recorded the whole meetup with a great camera and will probably never upload the footage anywhere, because I don’t know how to work a camera, the screen was too bright and the room was too dark…aka I am garbage at A/V. I don’t even want to listen to the sound. So if anyone wants to volunteer as a videographer for our meetups let me know.

A bunch of us Augusta Developers also attended the Carolina Codes conference in Greenville, SC this month. It was hosted by the ever metal and awesome Joel Taddei. There were nearly 20 of us up there and it was so much fun to be able to talk about tech at a conference with others and see how they develop community and relationships.

Lastly, this month, our very own Annette Arrigucci won a hackathon where she is leading an app development team that will be building something pretty awesome for this year’s huge art festival Arts in the Heart.



Schuster Braun

Good Tunes > Coffee Shops > Web Development > Marketing > Navy > Hardware