Linear Regression in Python

The shortest and clearest explanation from scratch line by line

Aleksandr Golovin
3 min readApr 20, 2022

Linear Regression is in charge of modeling the relationships between variables by fitting a straight line.

This is the simplest linear relationship between 2 variables “vector x” and “vector y” (dependent and independent).

“Vector x” and “vector y” are vectors consisting of a certain number of components:

For a complete understanding, please, learn the NumPy library. This is a library for working with multidimensional arrays and matrices.

import numpy as np

X = np.array([4.5, 5, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0])

The number of components in “Vector x” always equals the number of components in “vector y”.

y = np.array([34, 44, 45, 53, 53, 60, 65, 70])

“x” with index “i”​ and “y” with index “i”​ are components of “Vector x” and “vector y”​. And “i” = 1..n. So:

Time to find “β with index 0​” and “β with index 1” (intercept and coefficient):

X = np.vstack((np.ones(len(X)), X)).T# [[1.  4.5]
# [1. 5. ]
# [1. 5.5]
# [1. 6. ]
# [1. 6.5]
# [1. 7. ]
# [1. 7.5]
# [1. 8. ]]

This is equal to:

Finding the values of “vector β”​ from the equations is a model fitting:

Lets do it step by step:

Xt = X.T
Xt_mul_X =
# [[ 8. 50.]
# [ 50. 323.]]
Xt_mul_X_inv = np.linalg.inv(Xt_mul_X)# [[ 3.8452381 -0.5952381]
# [-0.5952381 0.0952381]]
Xt_mul_y = [ 424.  2750.5]
res =

# [-6.82142857 9.57142857]

Lets put it all together:

Here “Intercept” is “β with index 0​” and “Coefficient” is “β with index 1”.

Lets compare the results with the sklearn library:

Same result. Lets move forward!

The matrix with three variables:

And here we got three coefficients because “X” here is a matrix with three variables.
Time to use this coefficients for prediction! + intercept

Just multiply “X” by coefficients and add intercept.

Now, put it all together:

As you can see predicted values are close to real ones.

Lets compare with the “sklearn” library method:

Same result.

Now, after you understand how Linear Regression works its time to know how you can use this study in real life:

Find full code here:

