Statistics of AxelarSea Public Testnet v.1 Event



It has been just over a week since our launch of the Public Testnet. Let’s summarize what we have seen and learnt, specifically during the eventful last day of the Testnet Tester role campaign.


Overall the campaign,

  • ~35,600 active users peaking with ~17,000 users in a single day.
  • More than 20 nations participated with the top 5 countries being Russia, Ukraine, Thailand, India, and Indonesia
  • More than 1,000,000 page views
  • 324,000 NFTs minted, 47,000 NFTs listed, 34,400 wallet connected

The surge of new users on the last day of the campaign causes,

  • Brief outage in our cloud server system
  • Moonbeam Discord sees an influx of members and their faucet bot struggles to handle all the requests at once.
  • Gas price in Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten) peaks with the base fee exceeding 200 gwei.
  • During the peak hour, we’ve seen some delays in Discord (both ours and other servers).
  • Performance of Carl bot on our server decreases, leading to a significant delay in assigning a role to members.
  • bot, used to collect wallet address and logically assign role to users, experience a decrease in performance as well.

Platform users

Fig 1: Statistics of users visiting and testing out our platform. [Google Analytics]

We’ve seen an overall of approximately 35,600 active users, with more than a million page view! The number of users increases exponentially with more than 17,000 people (roughly half of the total visitors) on the last day alone. This has lead to a brief outage in the heavily computational part of our server (at Sun 24 Apr; 17.00 UTC). It takes us approximately 15 minutes to optimize and bring our server back online.

Our project has attracted attentions from users globally where the top 5 countries are:

  • Russia: ~16,000 users
  • Ukraine: ~6,500 users
  • Thailand: ~4,200 users
  • India: ~4,000 users
  • Indonesia: ~1,700 users

Platform Usage

We’ve ask users to primarily mint NFTs on our website from five different supported EVM chains, and place at least one of them on sale. Despite being optional, cross-chain purchase through Axelar Network is available for users to test as well. Let’s review the number.

Fig 2: Statistics of the number of NFT minted, NFT listed for sale, cross-chain NFT purchase, and unique wallet address connected, including the breakdown by chains.

More than 34,600 different wallet addresses were connected to our website while roughly 340,000 NFTs were minted (~10 NFTs minted per wallet, more than the required 5 NFTs). Roughly 47,000 NFTs were listed on sale, making them available for a purchase from other chains.

Considering the break-down of the stats by chains, we can see that the number of NFTs minted spread fairly uniform over all the chains with Moonbeam being an outlier. Our users report difficulties in minting an NFT on the Moonbeam Testnet, leading to stacked transactions. By the time that users see a successful transaction from Moonbeam, they probably already placed NFT on sale on other chains. That’s why the number of NFT listed on sale is disproportionally fewer for Moonbeam. the two chains that we’ve seen the least issues.

We’ve seen roughly 2,400 cross-chain purchase, where users pay tokens from Terra chain to buy an NFT hosted on EVM chains — a feature that will not be possible without Axelar Network.

Fig 3: Number of transactions per day through Axelar Testnet Network []

Axelar Testnet Network is the infrastructure behinds our cross-chain purchase. Even though buying is an optional quest, we do see the number of transactions per day through Axelar Network reflect similar shapes as the number of users on our website (Fig 1), peaking at 973 transactions per day on 24 Apr (UTC). In future development, we will be promoting more cross-chain action so we should see even more transactions reflecting through Axelar Network.

The Eventful Day

On the last day leading to the final cut-off time of our campaign (24 Apr; 23:59 UTC), we see an influx of new users and testers.

  • Around 17:00 UTC (24 Apr), we see the surge of users where the number of active users accessing our website at one time peaks at around 2,000 users per minute. This leads to an overload in our cloud server, leading to a brief outage. It took us roughly 15 minutes to bring the server backs online.
Fig 4: Historical gas price in gwei for Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten) where it spikes to almost 300 gwei. []
  • The amount of gas price in Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten) reflects the amount of usage from our servers. At approximately 12:00 UTC, we’ve made an announcement encouraging users to try minting in other chains, including Ethereum. As shown in Fig 4, we see a sudden surge which continues and peaks at roughly 17:00 UTC. The gas price peaks with the base fee exceeding 200 gwei.
  • Faucet: Over the period of the campaign, we’ve seen public faucets being depleted occasionally on Ethereum (Ropsten), Avalanche Fuji Testnet, and Polygon Mumbai Testnet. However, it seems that we have hit Moonbeam faucet the hardest.
    In order for users to receive a testnet token DEV, users have to join Moonbeam Discord and type command to active the faucet bot. Around the same time that we have seen the surge in the number of users, it has been reported of an influx into Moonbeam Discord channel. The surge is so much that the faucet bot struggles to keep up with command, and their Discord channel lags slightly. In future activities, we’ll set up our own faucet to accommodate our users.
  • Discord: We’ve seen some reports that some other Discord servers report decreasing performance while we experience the surge in users.
  • Discord bots: During the peak hours, we’ve seen a significant decrease in performance of Carl Bot, leading to a noticeable delay in the bot assigning the roles to members. We used bot to collect wallet address of our users and distribute them the role if the wallet passes the required tasks. We’ve seen some delay in the bot retrieving the data, assigning role, and connecting wallet. We are continuously in contact with team and we appreciate their help in resolving the issues in timely manner.

