“Accept it as if you chose it”

Axel Neree
4 min readDec 12, 2019


Eckhart Tolle, one of my favorite authors said, “Accept it as if you chose it”. He was talking about how it’s hard to believe that we create the issues that come up in our lives. I believe the answer is not to answer or ask why they come up. The answer is to solve whatever comes up, to figure it out and to learn from it. You have to first surrender to it and accept what is in order to create what you want.

The only way we get past the troubles or challenges in our lives, is by first accepting that we have them. If we ignore it, suppress it, down play it we’ll never get through it, because we won’t face it. Often times, we don’t want to face it.

In the wise words of Tolle, when these situations come up in your life (and they will come up), “Accept it as if you chose it”. Having this state of mind helps you get creative, remain positive and ultimately it leads you to be more resourceful which will in the end solve your problem.

Think about the difference in operating from there and from a place of “This is horrible, why did this happen to me?” We hear a lot about knowing your “why”; we focus often on “why” because yes it does help to know the cause and effects of things. However, many times we need to focus on “What” instead of “why”. Why is not certain, “why” is hypothetical. “What” has happened is set. “What” I must do is definite.

Ex- What has happened is that I have $50,000 of debt.

  • The why is irrelevant right now; it won’t solve the issue for me. It may help me analyze, define or justify (or victimize) my story of how I got here.
  • What I must do is pay $500 (take action) each month to pay off this debt.

The key in this is focusing on implementing a solution, going towards a solution, not to question it anymore. That’ll be a lot easier to do once YOU’VE ACCEPTED WHAT IS. You have to decide to accept it. There’s power in that choice.

Train yourself to operate from that state of mind, “I asked for this, I chose this. Now with this I am going to do this (A specific action).” People would say, “No, why would I do that, I didn’t ask for this!” Truth is, you may not have consciously or verbally asked for this; but your actions did. “Actions speak louder than words”, remember that?

Your actions of not paying your bills on time, or living beyond your means, or maybe it’s the inevitable/unexpected tragic accident that happen; sometimes blessings are disguised as accidents. Many of our greatest lessons come from our losses.

The point is to not focus so much on “why” it happens; instead direct your attention on accepting what has happened, and what is happening in order to grow forward. It’s simply an opportunity to grow forward. Accept these challenges as if you chose them and learn to enjoy their chapters because these are what strengthen you.

Think about the thought of, “I didn’t chose to have this happen” or “I didn’t chose to have to deal with this”, this is exactly where your power is. Your power is in choosing to Accept what is. It’s hard to accept the “whys”, don’t accept the why. Choose to accept “What is”, so you can change what is, into what you want it to be.

This whole thought, statement and idea to me is ultimately simply about “The Power of Choices”. You have so much power based on your choices. You can choose to accept or to not accept certain things, the amount of your power lays in whichever you choose.

In the end, when things go your way or against you, the most important this is not even “what” or “why” this thing is happening. It’s about deciding, its about you choosing how to define, how to look at your situation, good or bad.

Choose to accept things in life as if you asked for them. Choose to live a great life. When you choose to live a great life, you ultimately decided that everything is and will always be working in your favor. You choose what you believe in. That’s the beauty of all of it. Choose what you’re going to believe in order to live it.

“Ask & you shall receive”

Choose to live a great life, knowing that everything you ask for you will receive. Are you choosing to believe you will receive it? God’s blessed you with so much power within your choices. I hope you accept that truth and choose wisely.

