Case study on PatientPing

14 min readMar 26, 2020

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PatientPing is a healthcare coordination network. The company connects providers with real-time clinical information. Founded by Jay Desai, who previously worked at CMS and whose uncle is a physician, set out to build a community of providers. Jay’s background and collective experience made him particularly prepared to build PatientPing — at CMS, he worked at the Innovation Center where he was involved in designing Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and other fee-for-value paradigms when ObamaCare was being rolled out. Even at business school, Wharton, he focused on healthcare management in a backdrop where finance usually dominates. At CMS, groups were asking for a system with real-time notifications of a patient’s location especially if they were going to be incentivized to reduce unnecessary tests and procedures. With the right background at the right time with customers asking for something they want, Jay set off to build it.

In the US, the healthcare system is often disjointed and unconnected. By focusing on one feature, pings, PatientPing has been able to get a beachhead for the broader…

