Clinical trials

9 min readMar 28, 2020

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Drug development is one of the few industries where a company is given a step-by-step guide (i.e. clinical trials) to get to a pile of cash likely well over $1B. Software has helped pre-clinical work but improving clinical results is still an outstanding problem. With $10Bs spent annually on clinical trials, the opportunity to bring new medicines to patients through better clinical trials is exciting with companies like Science37, PatientsLikeMe, Clara, Antidote, Unlearn, Health Gorilla, Curebase, and even PathAI building the toolkit and products to improve clinical work. Ultimately, finding the best patient population to test a new drug is an effective way to deal with the complexity of biology and reduce costs during clinical development — thereby increasing the efficiency of the funnel for making new drugs:

Source: FDA


Types of clinical trials:

  1. Treatment trials test new treatments, new combinations of drugs, or new approaches to surgery
  2. Prevention trials look for better ways to prevent disease in…

