3 min readDec 4, 2018

We caught up with Aishuwerya, a PMO at AXISCADES, to understand more about her job and her experiences with the company.

Genevieve: Thank you for meeting with us today. So tell me Aishuwerya, what are some of the challenges faced by the aerospace industry today and what are some of the opportunities?

Aishuwerya: Thank you! The aerospace industry faces two major challenges in my opinion. Handling a complex supply chain that is not connected is a major problem that needs to be overcome. Second, is a challenge that I face most often in my day to day, which is a failure to adopt the latest technologies due to legacy issues. To remain relevant I think it’s really important for organizations to adapt to new technologies that will ensure higher productivity and lesser downtime.

Genevieve: And how are you going about solving that problem for your customers as a PMO?

Aishuwerya: AXISCADES is known for its customer-centric approach when dealing with challenges. But there are times when I am often overwhelmed with the challenge and have to step back and look at the bigger picture. Data Analytics comes to the rescue here! I analyze the customer data based on their budget, infrastructure, and other requirements to propose feasible solutions that meet the customer needs. Our process is designed such that there is continuous feedback from the customer and that certainly helps us get there faster.

Genevieve: You spoke of customer centricity. Can you give me an example of you being customer-centric?

Aishuwerya: As a PMO, I am required to maintain close interactions with our customers. I think communication plays a huge role in ensuring these interactions have a positive impact on both the businesses. Being responsive, and doing so promptly always puts a smile on the customer’s face and they open up nicely to you. I also try to maintain a first time right (FTR) approach and on time delivery (OTD) for all my deliverables which in turn has a positive impact on customer relationships.

Genevieve: Sounds like your customers are being treated well! How about you? What do you like about the organization and its culture?

Aishuwerya: Working at AXISCADES is a great pleasure as I get to learn through every interaction I have, be it customer facing or internal. What I like the most about the company is that it gives me opportunities to learn from my past. There are times when I do slip up but I am given the opportunity to pick myself up and move on to the next task. Everyone here is highly skilled, energetic and fun to work with and I really like that about the culture here.

Genevieve: What are your future goals and aspirations career wise, Aishuwerya?

Aishuwerya: Everything that we encounter in day-to-day is an experience, be it good or bad. Similarly, every day is a new learning for me at AXISCADES. Working here as a PMO, helps me polish my skills around multitasking, problem-solving and people management. My goal is to become an entrepreneur and start a customer service firm and these skills will definitely come in handy. I believe that leadership and learning are indispensable to each other and in order to reach our goal we should reskill and upskill ourselves, constantly. Set the goals high, believe you can and you are halfway there!

Genevieve: Thank you for your time Aishuwerya. And all the best!


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