Why I’m Serious About $WGMI

2 min readNov 21, 2021



$WGMI is a meme token that got rugged and has been taken over by a community of degens. This is a house of memes. We like to laugh and make fun of ourselves.

I want to take a second to set the memes aside and explain why I’m serious about this project.

The core of the crypto narrative

We’re all in this space because we’ve decided to build a decentralized economic system that provably cannot favor any centralized trusted party.

Community is THE SOURCE of value

In crypto, value comes from community. We place value on community because we know:

  • every human has inherent value for being human (we are a humanist movement)
  • every community member adds additional value to a community based on their work

Tyranny of the dev

All projects in practice rely on devs as central points of trust.

Somebody skeptical to crypto can easily point out this disparity between theory and practice in our space.

Devs can rug a project. Devs can cash out and retire whenever they want and leave the community hanging.

How can we attract new people to crypto with this glaring contradiction at the center of every project?

Community > dev

Saving $wgmi is a project that benefits all of crypto because we need an example to show to new investors in crypto. We need to prove that community actually is the source of value, and if you believe enough in a community, the devs literally don’t matter. They can rug. They can disappear. Community will pull your investment through. wgmi


$WGMI was created to celebrate something we all sincerely believe in, that we’re all gonna make it.

This will forever be the first $wgmi token, and provenance counts in crypto. Cryptopunks, mooncats, and early NFTs are valuable because they were first.

This story is literally in our hands. As we tell our friends and family to jump into crypto, will this just be another cautionary tale of FUD? Or will this be an inspiring story about how serious we are about our core values as a movement?

dev is ded. it’s just us. LFG





I'm a crypto enthusiast and I want to buidl a decentralized world with you! I collect NFTs and I love axolittles!