UX Writing : Case Study of Empty State in OVO


Aya Gayatri
5 min readAug 25, 2021

OVO has been one of the leading Indonesia fintech companies which provided people with payments, rewards and financial services. There are already a million merchants who collaborate with OVO to make a payment easier and simple for users. Moreover, it teamed up with one of the big start up e — commerce which made it more popular.

When I tried to explore the app, from page “Deals” I got in to “My Vouchers” page, and there I found empty state like this

Empty state in “My Vouchers”

The empty state in this page is to inform users that there’s no active vouchers. Unfortunately, this is too simple and didn’t encourage users to explore more about vouchers that are offered by OVO. Besides that, there is no tone or brand voice included in the copy so it still feels robotic. Users who read this will only be informed that they have no vouchers active but didn’t feel like missing anything. In my opinion, it could be improved especially the copy to make it more interesting and engaging for users. To strengthen my insight, I conducted a small research to get more data about what is users actually need.

Research hold on August 17 2021

Based on this insight, users have to be raised on awareness that there are a lot of best deal vouchers that are offered by OVO. The goal is users well informed that there are plenty of vouchers waiting for them to see.

Problem statement : How might we make users more engaging in OVO app, by revamp the copy?

The Revamp

In order to raising awareness of vouchers for user, here is the revamp for empty state “My Vouchers” page. The A is the original and B is the copy after development.

Revamp UX Writing OVO

The revamps are :

  • Insert illustration that are more related to emptiness instead of only tag vouchers.
  • Yah, kamu belum memiliki voucher yang aktif”. Here I insert tone and brand voice so that users feel the app is connecting with them. Because I haven’t seen consistency from what the app calls for users yet, sometimes “Kakak — kakak” but in this page it used “Anda” which looks more formal and feels like there are gaps between the app and users. I bold them to make it more stand out from the other copy so users know what is the most important information that we want them to get.
  • Jangan lewatkan voucher menarik yang sudah menantimu” tends to make users won’t to missing a chance to get an advantage from having a best deal voucher. It becomes the body of the message to describe more about the title.
  • Insert button to “Lihat Voucher” would make users more encourage to see the page of vouchers that are offered and explore the app. It is easier to go forward with only a single tap than to go back, isn’t it?

Result and Impact

This revamp was tested and validated by using A/B testing with online survey platform. A/B testing is an experiment method to compare between two versions to determine which one performs better.

Validation was hold in August 24 2021

There are 4 parameters that I used to validate this effectiveness


Readability is how easy and clear a copy to read and understand. From the results, there are 10 people that choose A instead of B. It is clearly because A is a brief explanation and shorter, so it must be more readable and take less time to read. Therefore, users found that A is more concise for them.

2. Comprehension

Comprehension is the understanding of the whole element in a page to get the information that the app wants to deliver. From the results, A is more chosen than B because the first time users read the description of A, they already get the point of what the message of this page means.

3. Conversion

Conversion is when user takes a desired action. From the results, B is more chosen by users because it provides a button so its easier for users to take an action.

4. Engagement

Engagement is how the app stays connected to users in any aspects like interest, motivation and goals.

  • Relatable /fulfilling user’s need

From the results, B is more chosen for understanding the user’s needs because it gives an empathy-tone with “Yah”. When we put in some emotion to our copy, it will make relatable. If users relate, they will remember so it becomes more personal for them.

  • Interest to explore

From the results, B is chosen to make users eager to explore more about the app to see what is provided by the app.

  • Interest to go back to the app

From the results, B is more chosen to make users want to come back to the app and it is a good signal that users will be reliable to the app.

If the level of engagement increases, it will also give an impact on business opportunities by how many users will use this app in the future.

In conclusion, the revamp of the empty state “My Vouchers” page in OVO is effective to engage more users especially in fulfilling user’s needs, make user’s interested in exploring and becoming a reliable app

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