What Is Generative AI? (simple summary)

Yanda The Writer
3 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

Generative AI is the type of AI that numerous people make use of, but have lack of information in. This alone made me want to write about it, in a simple explanation that will be easy and not too techy to read.

So, what is generative AI?

Generative AI is something that I can describe as a learner in school, that is about to write an exam. The main thing that the learner is supposed to do is to provide answers on what he or she is being asked or tested on.

Generative AI requires input by means of being asked questions via text, video or audio in order to come up with an output. The perfect example of generative AI is ChatGPT, because it generates output when you have given it prompts. A perfect example of this in terms of ChatGPT is when you ask it to write an essay, that is a prompt. The output of that is the essay that ChatGPT will provide as an answer to your question.

What does generative AI entail?

Generative AI has something called Large Language Models (LLM) this is defined as models being trained on numerous data which includes text. Language models that are being fed lots of text data are able to predict which word is going to come up next in the text. Language models can be something like training a model what is going to come after this phrase:

Actions speak louder than…” They can easily know that this phrase will end with the word “words", because it has been trained to do so.

Another aspect that is presented in generative AI is generative image model. Its main ability is to generate image based on the given prompt. For example, you ask the model to give you a picture of Elon Musk, it sure will give you the image of Elon Musk.

One thing to notice about these models is that they learn from patterns or data they have been taught. If you teach a model about what a cat is or what a cat looks like, that model will be able to learn from that pattern.

Now let's jump to the fun stuff that generative AI can do:

  • It can help produce amazing content, whether it is essays, songs, poetry or pictures.
  • It can help make things easy and improve productivity. For example, ChatGPT can provide summaries which can sure decrease a lot of workload.
  • It can also help a lot when dealing with complex content, through the use of the app called Bard.
  • It is a life saver to lazy typers when it comes to writing emails, because it can be able to predict the words you will say next, this is possible through large language models.
  • It plays a crucial role in video games development.
  • Lastly, it is beneficial to a lot of fields, the creative industry, music industry and technical writing industry, still through large language models.

In overall, generative AI is really fun to learn about, it may sound too techy when you look at the title, but trust me, it is worth learning about.

I hope this summary was enough to help you understand the amazing world of generative AI.

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Yanda The Writer

Literature, Linguistics and a bit of an Artificial Intelligence enthusiast . I guess this shows how passionate I am about writing on different topics.