2018 Reading Goal Check-in

Ayat Amin
2 min readJul 1, 2018


Reading for leisure has always been one of my favorite hobbies. I lost the habit during college and have been trying to build it back up.

So 2017, I made a goal to read 50 books, or roughly 1 a week. Looking at pure numbers, I failed miserably. I read 29 out of 50. My page count underwhelmed as well. Only 3 of the books I read had more than 300 pages.

However, there was one big win. I was reading books again! Goodreads, which I highly recommend to all my friends who read, has a reading challenge feature. I partially have this feature to thank since I’m competitive and this allowed me to compete with myself.

For 2018, I refined my goal. This time, I didn’t want to just focus on book count, but I wanted to focus on content and quality as well. Challenging myself with longer, more difficult reads by authors outside of my comfort zone. I tend to read books written in 20th — 21st century by white male authors who live in Western civilization. This year, I wanted to branch out and read more points of view.

Here are what those refined goals are:

  1. Read 3 books a month (36 total)
  2. Read longer books ( < 300 pages)
  3. Half of books by women
  4. A few books by non-western authors
  5. A few books by winners of the nobel prize in literature
  6. A few books by writers of color
  7. A few books written before 1900

Note: a few was left generic on purpose. It’s greater than 1, but no specific number required

Here is where I stand so far:

  1. Yes. 18 books read thus far
  2. Yes. I’ve almost read as many pages in 6 months, as I did in all of 2017! 5664 pages in 2017, 5426 pages in 2018
  3. Not yet. 7/18 = 38% women authors
  4. Yes. 4/18 = 22% non-western authors
  5. Not yet. 1/18 = 6% by nobel laureates in literature
  6. Yes. 2/18 Black authors, 3/18 Asian authors, but 0 MENA (middle east north africa), hispanic or indigenous authors
  7. Not yet. 1/18 books written before 1900

Not bad, but still have room to grow!

You can see everything I read in 2018 here with my manually collected stats or here on goodreads. My 2017 stats are here.

