Why does GITHUB exist?

Aydan Abbasova
2 min readJan 8, 2024

Github is one of the programs that allows you to view, record the changes we made, in other words, it is a version control system. The history of writing version control programs predates the history of the internet by several decades. 1972: SCCS (Source Code Control System): One of the first automated VCS tools emerged at Bell Labs, long before the internet’s public introduction in 1989. 1980s: RCS (Revision Control System): Another open-source VCS gained popularity, offering improved version tracking compared to manual methods. 1989: World Wide Web (WWW): Invented by Tim Berners-Lee, marking the official birth of the internet as we know it.

Here are the key reasons why we need version control systems (VCS):

· Revert to Previous Versions: Undo Mistakes, Experiment Safely

· Tracking Changes: Detailed History, Collaborating efficiently

· Maintain Code Integrity: Prevent accidental deletion, Ensure Code Quality

· Facilitate Collaboration: Shared Repository

· Enable Parallel Development: Fostering efficient workflows

While learning about GITHUB, we come across the term GIT.

As an example- Git is the tool (a car), while GitHub is the garage (a parking space). You need the car (Git) to track changes and manage your project, but you can park your car (repository) in different garages (GitHub or your own server).

You can’t have GitHub without Git, but you can use Git without GitHub. Git is for managing your code history locally, while GitHub is for storing and sharing your code with others in the cloud.

I will continue the beneficial use of Github in my next articles.



Aydan Abbasova

Code alchemist, transforming pixels into joy. When the keyboard rests, I chase wild blooms and soaring peaks, finding inspiration in colors uncoded.